In beginning of sadhana, we should not force the mind repeatedly. Some people suppress the mind repeatedly. This is not proper. Let the mind be free. If you do this, you will receive more understanding. We may be in Jiva condition and yet we can be witness also. If the mind shows us the wrong way, we can definitely tell the mind that we do not want to use this method. Presently we do not have that kind of awareness when mind tells us certain things. When that awareness comes we can understand all these and know that mind and us are different. At this stage we can figure out the behavior of mind. Our intellect can figure out whether what mind tells us to do is proper or not. When we have this inner understanding automatically and if we decide to control the mind over period time, then only mind will not disturb us. We can achieve this by analyzing all the thoughts of what mind wants to do and thoughts against it, throughly and deeply (pros and cons of both side of thoughts). We should think it over from all sides before taking action.
We should do analysis and in deapth evaluation of the thoughts that arise in the mind. We think that if we act this way, it is advantageous to us. Mind will show us three or four alternatives. The purpose of the mind is not to confuse us. Mind is our best friend but it may act differently at different times, meaning mind decides how to behave in different conditions. Prana, intellect, ego combines and follows mind's decision. No one protests this decision of the mind. Only intellect occasionally protests mind's decision. Intellect protests after mind takes the decision. For this reason, if we want to make the mind such that it helps us in following whatever decision we have made, it does not happen on its own. To make it possible (bring the mind on our side), we need to do some process and that process is Sadhana. Mind will not be controlled without it.
Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Yog, Edition 1,
Part 1, Pages 379 - 380.