Thursday, October 25, 2012


Lots of thoughts come and go in our mind. We should not form the chain of thoughts by joining the thoughts with our own passion and attachment ( રાગ ) for the preceding thought. Virtue of equanimity naturally develops in one who lets the thought go by without intervening. Without doing any other kind of sadhana soul can experience true self by refraining from forming this chain of successive thoughts.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan sopan
Edition 3; page 15.

My two cents --

To be successful one needs to reduce passion and attachments to one's own thoughts and emotions. Then only this is possible. Nam-smaran is a very useful tool.


Thursday, October 18, 2012


We need to be careful about any kind of impression that is left behind by an encounter with anybody. Our mind should not form any kind of opinion and we should strive to develop this awareness. Examine inner thoughts and tendencies with complete equanimity and impartiality. Let it flow by. Do not get entangled with subsequent thoughts. If you experience these encounters in an appropriate manner, then only accept the premise that beginning of awareness is established.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan pokar
Edition 4; page 79.

My two cents --

This awareness or mindfulness allows us to watch, observe, interrupt and modify our thoughts and emotions. In this particular paragraph he describes the beginning of awareness when you can watch and observe these thoughts.
Naam-smaran is a useful tool to increase awareness.


Thursday, October 11, 2012



I received your letter written on 26/4. After reading your letter tears swelled up in my eyes and heart got filled up with emotions. I have not written to anybody in this heartfelt way but to you, so that you have the understanding of the subject. By the grace of God my soul has attachment to persons like you. The soul that identifies and experiences the hidden hand of sat-guru working in the form of subtle bhavna and yet acting in the physical world is very pleasing to sat-guru. Because of these experiences the soul gets heartfelt encouragement and knowledge that he is protected by his sat-guru. The soul that knows and understands his sat-guru's help gets to experience this hidden hand.                                                                  

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan sopan
Edition 3; pages 286 - 287.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


A blessed soul may be able to understand and control the mind to some extent with the help of intelligence. But intelligence is different. It is in the form of light and it illuminates. It is subtlest of the subtle. It has the natural force of understanding. We understand everything with this intelligence. Level of understanding depends upon level of intelligence. Because of this reason cleansing of the intelligence is very necessary. Intelligence continues to work according to its own understanding, habit and past experiences. It will deduce the inferences accordingly. One needs to be mindful and aware before believing these inferences. Before accepting these inferences one needs to evaluate these with carefulness and equanimity. One must analyze these inferences in detail with detachment and with one's own level of development and understanding of one's inner being. We will keep busy with ourselves if we try to develop this kind of looking at our own inner being. Attraction to other souls becomes minimal then. One can be safe and sound if ones mind is that way. So always be mindful and aware.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan sopan
Edition 3; page 135 - 136.