Thursday, October 27, 2022

SELF NARRATION (આત્મનિવેદન)


Hari Om


July 25, 1952.

Bhava of heart is mostly present in self narration. So there is no ego in that kind of self narration. Our heart to heart relationship gets to be nearer and nearer with the Bhava of Chetan from self narration. We get increasingly open minded and open hearted at the holy lotus feet of Shree Bhagwan. We manifest more  openness, happiness and natural ease. The reason for the self narration is always expressed in the heart and mind of sadhak every single day. Just as there is a process of cleansing the impurities from the body, self narration works in a similar way. Then there is also a process of uplifting the Bhavna of self narration. There is no salvation or Moksha without acquiring knowledge. For that reason, there is expression of complete humility from Bhavna of knowledge - devotion of self narration. There is an experience of reduction of the crookedness of mind, intellect, prana and ego. As this study of self narration with knowledge and devotion solidifies and there is presence of natural ease in it, the sadhak tends to understand himself completely. He turns within and becomes more introspective. He observes his Jiva-Nature, the play of mind, intellect and ego with equanimity and peace. He studies these virtues of equanimity and peace deeply for a long time and whatever arises in his senses and instruments offers them at the lotus feet of Shree Bhagwan in the form of self narration. Self Narration means our divine connection with the Bhava of the consciousness (Chetan).

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Pravesh

Edition 2; Pages 77 - 78.

Thursday, October 20, 2022


 Feeling means consciousness-energy that produces, fires it up and increases the life-force from all the incidents in life. Strength of the Bhavna gathers slowly from the temporary flow of the feelings. Thus the feelings are at the root of the Bhavna. The flow of the awakened and inspired feelings that arise from pure and holy circumstsnces is trained and the true strength of the Bhavna generates from these trained feelings. 

When there is excessive feelings from lack of control, Bhavna becomes impure and even though the life is full of Bhavna, the life becomes weak. The reason being, when the impure vrutties are expressed repeatedly it weakens the basic energy of Bhavna and not only that it weakens its brightness. When there is expression of unrestrained feelings, it only supports weakness. Feelings are tested even in unhappy circumstances. In happy circumstances there is excessive feelings. Feeling is such a tender element that it awakens by the its touch (happy or unhappy circumstances) even for a second. Of course, not everyone is like that. Even then, if we can keep constant awareness with knowledge whenever the feelings arise within us by listening, seeing or experiencing certain circumstances, we can gather the energy easily.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Pravesh

Edition 2; Pages 267 - 268.

Thursday, October 13, 2022


 Restraint of the feelings is essential for the constant awakened presence of the sense of discretion. When feelings are expressed improperly, it loses its energy and becomes useless in the work of the development of life. Sometimes the unrestrained feelings make the life deteriorate and spoiled. It is hard to live such a life. At times, outburst of intense feelings—when is expressed in joy— is so much that it is easy to be swept away but that is not the goal. The knowledge and awareness of that is not possible without awakened sense of discretion. The feelings are useful in life only when they are restrained and made strong appropriately. It is necessary to teach them to be engaged in appropriate work before training them. It is not possible to teach special things to any energy of life without restraing them within limits. For this reason, it is necessary to restrain feelings within limits before training them for appropriate studies.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Sopan

Edition2; Pages 266 - 267.

Thursday, October 6, 2022


 The main work of the restraint is to bring and manifest equilibrium in all the activities of life. All the senses (Indriyo, ઇંદ્રિયો) are trained in such a way that it act appropriately everywhere. Such training is only gained through restraint. The senses like the items that are harmful from the viewpoint of the development of life and they attract us towards them knowingly or unknowingly. It is hard and gentle work for the sense of discretion of the restraint to have the senses get attracted towards Bhavna of Goodness and beneficial things. The reason for gentleness while dealing with life is that life is such gentle and tender that any kind of harshness or force will not be tolerated by it. It breaks when it is directed forcefully and then whole energy of life is wasted and life becomes useless. It is very important to examine that sense of discretion is present, while developing the Bhavna of behavior. While developing appropriate restraint with knowledge, there must be expression of the Bhavna of Goodness towards life. You can surmise that Bhavna of restraint is fruitful only when there is expression of interest, liking and proficiency by the senses towards the most fruitful choice for the benefit of life. 

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Pravesh

Edition 2; Pages 265 - 266.