Thursday, November 29, 2012


When there is knowledgeable awareness in buddhi, solution of the variety of problems of life is found instantly. This working of buddhi with awareness is on as solid a foundation as feeling of heat with fire. It is possible to use buddhi in this manner. When you feel awareness in buddhi pertaining to the progress and development of life as solidly as feeling of heat with fire, accept that as the beginning of cleansing of buddhi

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan pokar
Edition 4; page 167.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Our remembrance of each other from previous pleasant incidents and memories produce a happy emotion. We should use this emotion in naam-smaran. Everything is to be used with knowledge. Nothing needs to be wasted. From this mutual remembrance develops a chain of loving consciousness between us. When we express heartfelt oneness with equanimity in sat-guru with this loving chain of consciousness, then we experience the help of sat-guru's consciousness.        

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan manthan
Edition 3; page 137.                            

My two cents --

Oneness with sat-guru can also be established by following his teachings, being grateful to him, remembering and loving him.
Sat-guru's help is immeasurable and very comforting.


Thursday, November 15, 2012


 Spirit of competition gets to lose its worth when the bhavna of friendship flourishes. As the compassion is developed with knowledge, the spirit of compassion expands and one experiences reduction in the forces of ego as a result. When one starts to experiences joy and happiness, there is no place for jealousy. With spirit of detachment comes lessening of affliction, attachment and infatuation. One should not pay lots of attention and importance to remove the natural forces of prakruti. Instead one should make constant effort with knowledge and awareness to develop good qualities like bhavna of friendship, compassion, joy and detachment.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan manthan
Edition 3; page 182.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


We need to use natural forces and passion that arise out of prana in the form of anticipated grief, infatuation, attachments, regrets and strong desires. These natural forces and passion is a form of energy  that can be used to produce focused concentration in naam-smaran. This is possible only if we have the awareness to act accordingly at that time. By doing this we use this energy of prana for our own benefit in sadhana. In this way the passion and energy is prevented from acting on its own way and are directed towards the good use in our sadhana. When that happens cleansing of prana becomes automatic and natural.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan sopan
Edition 3; page 136.

My two cents  ---

There seems to be two aspects to the method.  1) use the energy of prana 2) cleansing of prana in a natural and harmless way using its own energy. One needs to practice separating the energy of prana ( there is only one form ) from its root ( anger, infatuation, jealousy etc ).

Naam-smaran is an excellent and natural tool to achieve this. At the same time naam-smaran can be made more focussed too. Prana need not be controlled. It needs to be cleansed and sublimated in this fashion.

If we observe ourselves it becomes evident that we use variety of methods in our daily lives to deal with prana.


Thursday, November 1, 2012


For the sadhak it is best practice to find a way when the thoughts are persistent and recurrent. If we have the awareness while thoughts keep coming in succession, it is a good practice to start naam-smaran loudly or pray to God and ask for His help and grace. If we experience the recurrent thoughts in spite of naam-smaran then we can recite our favorite devotional song and get absorbed in it or think and contemplate about it. If this does not succeed, then we can remember and think about the saint that we believe in. Somehow we must find a way to free our selves from this persistent and recurrent thoughts. If we fail to do so, then these kind of thoughts will do its work ( hindrance in our life and sadhana) and we will live in fool's paradise.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan sopan
Edition 3; page 8.

My two cents --

One of my friends mentioned that writing down your recurrent thoughts on a piece of paper repeatedly works as well in this situation. She could find the root cause of these thoughts and deal with it.
