Thursday, January 26, 2017


Karma is an important aspect for development and progress of all aspects of our lives. Human life is shaped by the karma. We come in contact with other souls through the karma. Understanding of lots of things is also because of karma. We understand the nature of our own skills, ingenuity, good qualities and intent because of the karma. It also shows us the degree of our commitment. We learn many things from the karma while performing the karma. Any soul that has definitely decided the aim of his life needs to confirm the purpose of the every karma that comes along with awareness, wisdom and devotion. It is also equally true that any soul that has no awareness of the purpose behind the karma is not looking for his own spiritual welfare. Awareness of the purpose behind any karma (with wisdom and devotion) is extremely important and needed for the proper development of life.

Pujya Shree Mota
Karma Upasana
Edition 4; page 36.

Thursday, January 19, 2017


જીવને મૂળ સૌ વાતે જોવાનું સર્વદા રહ્યુ,
' પ્રેરાયેલા કઈ રીતે રહેવાયે ' તપાસવું.

Soul needs to observe the basics of all the aspects,
Examine ' the methods to stay inspired and engaged '.

Pujya Shree Mota
Karma Upasana
Edition 4; page 75, Stanza 16.

My two cents -- Here Pujya Shree Mota explains the basic facts of staying on course in sadhana. He puts the responsibility on the soul to find the ways to see that he is engaged and inspired in the sadhana. Soul needs to continually pay attention to see and examine every aspect of all the things that is going on within him (e.g examine the mind for any contra-wise ideas, emotions that are not helping your efforts). The soul needs to find ways to stay inspired and engaged in sadhana. This may include practicing naam-smaran, self narration, prayers, etc on a daily basis. This way one can avoid the longer periods without any activity towards sadhana.

Thursday, January 12, 2017


Mind, buddhi and prana need to be guided internally with constant inner awareness without letting them look externally. There is no reason to believe that they will not be attracted outside even if they are intermingled in the spirit of sadhana. Opposing forces react with equal resistance; more determination means more resistance from them for introspection. Somehow we get entangled in the net of deception. We need to be alarmed of this play. These inner forces play a very subtle game and we have no clue about it. So please do not get entangled in their play. We need to keep our vision, vrutties and tendencies on the higher plane. If there is any incidence where we look, think or understand at a lower level, we must surmise that it is the play of mind, buddhi and prana.We must stop seeing, thinking and understanding their way.

Jivan Pravesh
Edition 2; page 4.

Thursday, January 5, 2017


Swajan : Mota, we try and wish to understand view point of others. Don't you think others should also try and understand our point of view?

Pujya Shree Mota : There is a fundamental fault in your question, meaning there is difference of understanding. No body tries to understand other's view point. Every soul tries to evaluate and understand others by his own understanding and thinking. We can never understand the view point of others regarding particular tendency, the kind of understanding, how the person is guided by the tendency and person's real intent.

 It may be all right if we think about others by putting ourselves in their shoes. But to do that is not possible for people like you and me, the reason being our inability to understand their tendencies completely. This is very difficult to achieve since we do not posses needed equanimity and peace. One who has achieved higher level of equanimity with wisdom, devotion with grace of God can experience others condition completely. So we do not have the qualifications to do that. There is no body in this world capable of knowing others completely.

Pujya Shree Mota
Sukkha No Marg
Edition 7: page 18 -19.