Thursday, January 28, 2021


 We do not weaver when the understanding of anything convinces us and this conviction, also can be heartfelt. Heart accepts it. Any steps we take is to be taken with higher conviction. It does not matter if the step is taken in the worldly matter or anything else. We must continuously and thoroughly examine our actions, with thorough understanding of the kind of thoughts and Bhavna  present in the mind at that time. We should be alert with awareness if there is a negative thought instead of positive thought about anything. At such times, we must jolt, stir up and withdraw the mind. We should also ask for grace and help from God. It is very necessary for the mind, to often undergo these three processes push or jolt (ટકોરવુ), stir up (સંકોરવુ) and withdraw the mind (સંકેલવુ). 

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Sopan

Edition 3; Page 76.

Thursday, January 21, 2021


 Usually the souls do not try to understand the happenings in life with alertness and awareness. For that reason, the soul is not even aware of his losses. I am telling you with certainty that any kind of soul, even the most wretched one; if that soul has continuous awareness, there is a possibility of such soul to develop in sadhana. Such awareness can be naturally occurring or can be developed with efforts made with perseverance, enthusiasm and patience.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Sopan

Edition 3; Page 60.

Thursday, January 14, 2021



September 10, 1954

Human being experiences many Vrutties in the dreams and when one wakes up, knows what happened. One does not stick to it like a louse, even though one knows what happened. It is everybody's experience that we do not give much importance to it. Similarly, if the condition of the human being becomes such (with balanced mind and easiness) towards the happenings in the Sansar like relationships, incidents and the tendencies originating in the mind; all happenings of the Sansar will fall off with ease. Human being believes by heart, that the happenings in the dreams are just dreams and they are not true. For that reason he does not stick to it like a ghost. Human being will not get entangled if similar understanding springs up and stabilized in the heart for the happenings in the worldly affairs. We should not give much importance to whatever happens in our five Karmendriyo, five Gnanendiyo, mind, intellect, chitta, prana and ego. Instead if we learn to give importance to inner and deeper consciousness, all happenings will fall off like the water falling off from the leaves of the lotus. For this reason, we need to cultivate such practice. Mind gets engaged easily and automatically in the matter where we give the utmost heartfelt importance with sincerity. We need to have true propensity towards our utmost important thing.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Sopan

Edition 3; Pages 70 - 71.

Thursday, January 7, 2021


 We have to be especially happy in the mind, when the things do not go the way we wished or verbalized. At that time we have to say to our ego: 'hey ego, look at what happened. You try to get your way all the time. It is best if you get this kind of setbacks'. Do not offer even suggestions, for no apparent reasons. Try to develop equanimity (balanced mind) with awareness, when there is desire to respond to someone, as a part of or during conversation with others. Try your best, to look within and be introspective. Try to  behave with all the souls harmoniously. If you do only this much, there will be very pleasant results in your life automatically.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Sopan

Edition 3; Page 69.