Thursday, December 28, 2023


 There must be cleansing and purifying of all the senses and five inner implements mind, intellect, chitta, prana and ego in the path of sadhana. It is not that you cannot start the sadhana before cleansing. One can definitely start with Naam-Smaran, prayers, meditation etc., Naam-Smaran needs to be done with the Bhavna-Dharana of the heart while performing all worldly activities. Smaran-Bhavna of Shree Bhagwan is maintained with this sadhana. Bhavna of Shree Bhagwan should be maintained in all works and the Bhavna that all the work is done for the development of life should be present in our hearts with that kind of Chetana - awareness. Work should be started with heartfelt Bhava of prayer and work is continued for the love of Shree Prabhu and in the end it is offered to Him with love, devotion, and knowledge. In this way all the thoughts, vrutties etc., are offered to Him. We need to manifest Samata by our understanding that we are separate from all the activities of the senses and inner implements like mind etc., during the activities at that time. We must deny all the negative that spring up, as if we have nothing to do with it. If something constructive spring up, we should do it with non-attachment and with the Bhava that we are separate from it. The main characteristic, whether purification is going on or not is that we experience the establishment of peace, Samata, patience etc., in our senses and inner implements like mind, intellect etc.      

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Part 1

Edition 1, Pages 328 - 329.

Thursday, December 21, 2023


 Mind, prana (desires, anger, greed , moha, jealousy etc.,) and intellect are three important inner implements in sadhana. They are inter connected. Thoughts, imaginations, vrutties, feelings and emotions arising in the mind are inter connected with prana.  For that reason it is very important to purify prana. Purified prana has a definite good effect on mind. Moreover rule of the desires in mind and intellect does not end there. It spreads its effect even in the senses. Who evaluates and accepts this touch of mind in the senses? Whatever happens in the senses are the effects of the clutches of the mind. How can you say that intellect is not taking part in these activities?Moreover how can you say that intellect is not partial in these activities? Intellect sticks to its opinions, understandings and many other puzzling situations with vehemence. So if Jiva wants to do sadhana, Jiva will have to be free of all this. How is it possible to do all these?

It is not possible to progress without achieving equanimity or practicing similar study with awareness and  knowledge. Developing Samata is very necessary. Peace cannot be established in mind without Samata. There must be establishment of quietude and peace in the mind, for the mind to be able to reject the touches and desires of the senses. This means it is very important for the sadhak to establish peace and Samata in the mind.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog part 1,

Edition 1, Pages 327 - 328.

Thursday, December 14, 2023


 If the Jiva has the heart set on developing the life, that Jiva must get rid of all kinds of affections, infatuations, attachments, desires, anger, ego etc., with love and devotion. All these are obstructions in the path of development of life. 

Mind is confused with decision making and its alternatives, uncontrolled vrutties while making a decision, and inability to make right decisions. Similarly, intellect with its understandings, strong opinions, logical arguments and insistences obstructs establishment of divine faith (Nistha). Prana with its all kinds of impurities like desires, greed, covetousness, hate etc., is obstructive and troublesome in the path of sadhana.

Sadhak of development of life must separate and completely understand all kinds of impurities of mind, intellect, chitta, prana and ego. He must deny to be directed by them with awareness. Sadhana is not possible without living-effective practice of removing such impurities. The reason being, physical prana affects and deludes the mind, confuses intellect and causes impurities in chitta, making it impossible to have complete purity of thoughts within us. 

Purpose of the sadhana is to act differently from the human nature. Sadhana is done to make sure that the waves from senses, mind, chitta, ego and prana do not touch us. Only then, we can visualize subtle in the physical. Physical body is given to us for that purpose only. Sadhana really begins only after entering the subtle. 

We should continue to think deeply about the direction where we are going and the items that prevents us from going in that directions. We should also analyze ourselves brutally. Sadhak must understand the twists and turns of mind, intellect, chitta, prana and ego. It is still possible to control them only with the help of Naam-Smaran of Shree Bhagwan without understanding them, but we want to do everything with the help of intellect that has knowledge and awareness. 

If we develop mind, intellect, prana, chitta and ego at a higher stage where Naam-Smaran can flourish; and then if we do Naam-Smaran, human being definitely experiences factual results  of Naam-Smaran in life. For this to happen, lots of patience and tremendous hard work is needed.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog Part 1,

Edition 1, Pages 323 - 324.

Thursday, December 7, 2023


 There will be conflicts when you have to perform all kinds of work and meet all kinds of people. So can we get rid of this conflicts? Mahatmas thought about working in Sansar, earning livelihood and not have conflicts. After experiencing Sansar, they came to conclusion and with compassion let everyone know that cleansing of the Prana is the main thing and intellect is cleansed automatically. At the same time, we  cannot live without expectations and desires. Our entire working is based on it. Work is not possible without it. So intellect insists on having expectations and desires in work but experienced people said 'there is a way to perform work while keeping expectations.' There were many devotees in past who stayed in Sansar, performed work and became Mahatmas.

Shree Bhagwan says in Gita (holy, Hindu scripture) that you cannot live without Karmas. Karmas will not leave you and you will not leave karmas. Karmas are needed since human being has a body and it needs food to survive. So intellect argues that, how is it possible to perform Karmas without expectations, desires and covetousness? So experienced people found the solution to perform the Karmas without attachment (અનાસક્તિ) to it. Cultivate the habit of not getting mixed up ( નિર્ભેળપણું) with Karmas and deny the ownership of the work. This will give satisfaction and you can earn for your needs. It is possible to do activities that is needed with love. 

Intellect is cleansed as we deny the ownership of the work (નિર્મમત્વપણું) and do not get mixed up with the work. Intellect becomes brighter and provides appropriate answers to our problems and puzzles. You will also get understanding to do the work in a certain way to get best results. There is lot more understanding than understanding of ordinary intelligence. So the belief of the intellect that work cannot be done without desires and covetousness is proven wrong. 

It means, if Prana and intellect get better, other implements also get better. Mind is the cause of bondage and Moksha. When, what we call inner implements (અંતઃકરણો) are cleansed, everything is possible. 

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Part 1,

Edition 1, Pages 322 - 323.