Thursday, June 28, 2018


Whenever new circumstances and situations are presented to us, its purpose is either to create new understanding or to solidify old understanding. It is proper if we evaluate presenting circumstances and situations in a way that help us constructively. Our actions are skillful and appropriate when used in this manner. This is possible only when we try to be detached from such circumstances and situations with awareness.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Pagathi
Edition 6; Page 197.

Thursday, June 21, 2018


                                                                         Hari Om

Karachi, 7/13/ 1942

Dear sister and brother,

When we think contrariwise about others we plant the seeds of that vrutti (tendency, inclination) within us. Not only that, we throw that particular bhavna of contrariwise thoughts towards that person and express ourselves in that format within that person. Just as this happens in our daily lives, it is also true regarding our subtle thoughts. If we offer our thoughts, daily workings and other actions with the spirit of offering and surrender, our sentient nature (જીવ સ્વભાવ) from all these will be removed and we will not have the ego behind these actions - just as the manager of the business takes actions for the owner of the business and not affected by the gain or the loss. We are really influenced by our thoughts and works. It is best if there are no thoughts but it is not good for the persons with tamas prakruti ( lazy nature, તમસ પ્રકૃતિ). Persons with rajas prakruti (active nature, રજસ પ્રકૃતિ) will continue to have thoughts. There is stability and unwavering in the thoughts of persons with satvic nature (peaceful and virtuous, સાત્વિક પ્રકૃતિ). Since our thoughts shape us it is very important to have the thoughts directed inwards and absorbed towards fulfillment of our purpose. I have mentioned many times earlier to never form the chain of thoughts. Repetition of the same does not matter as this needs repeated reminders to continue the practice. We must continue this practice of not forming the chain of thoughts.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Pagathi
Edition 6; Pages 186 - 187.

Thursday, June 14, 2018


Mostly there is increased clinging and constriction in the feeling of attachment while the feeling of love is subtle and it creates more bhavna that takes us in the field of consciousness (divinity). Love is a bridge connecting our hearts that we can cross to and fro within us with ease, even though there may be distance physically. We can never fail to understand each other if there is purity in the bhavna of love without interrupting contrariwise thoughts and there is a kind of continuous ease about it. It is my humble prayer to Bhagawan to create such bhavna amongst us mutually and unite our hearts.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Pagathi
Edition 6; Page 209.

Thursday, June 7, 2018


Just as man is shaped and influenced by dukkha, struggle in life is also a very necessary event for building the life. It is a rarity to have the bhavna in the sentient being to be shaped by sukkah. Only rare brave person can maintain constant awareness in the time of sukkah. One who desires to improve  the life and reach the goal in life prevails in sukkah and dukkha equally keeping the aim of life always the same in both. For most sentient beings sukkha is static while dukkha is dynamic. The brave soul that is inspired by the battle in life, develops love and affection in his heart seeing the battle and fights the battle ardently. You should believe that you are on the right path when such characteristics are expressed at the appropriate time. The traveler who seeks to achieve the goal never thinks about running away from any results of such encounters. He understands that any presenting circumstances are the gift of grace from God.

Pujya Shree Mota
Sant Hraday
Edition 3; Pages 68 - 69.