Thursday, November 30, 2023


 Dukkha (misery) will be in Sansar for sure and we cannot get rid of it. So there will be misery, infighting, repentance and fear in Sansar. We should not get disappointed with it but stay firm. If we can do this, there will not be repentance and we will be able to stand tall in difficulties. We cannot remove it from its roots. So we should find the solution where inspite of having misery we should be able to be peaceful and happy. We should be above these difficulties. Is there any tool to achieve this? Experienced people thought about the reasons for these difficulties and blamed the mind. Why is the mind responsible? Mind is connected with Intellect, Chitta, Prana and Ego. We get upset and miserable if things do not work out according to our expectations and beliefs. So mind does not have complete freedom. When things do not get done according to the wishes of mind, it gets unhappy. 

Then the intellect joins in the fray and gives the conflicting opinions, 'it would be better if things are done this way or may be that way'. So intellect cannot decide about true opinion and then ego joins the discussion. It gives the force and direction to the decision made by intellect. It is like ' There is electricity and there is Railway engine but to start and run the engine electricity is needed. Ego provides such force and direction to the decision made by intellect. 

Chitta is not much useful. Chitta keeps on collecting all kinds of Sanskars. It is a treasury. Everything keep on collecting in it and it never gets empty. 

Mahatmas (higher souls) thought about it and decided that mind is the one that becomes miserable. Thing can be better if we train the mind. Strength of the Prana is the biggest enemy in our Jiva-Nature. So the discussion to cleans the mind is not proper. The root cause of mental anguish and pain is the result of the Prana. So we should cleanse the Prana. We should try to reduce desires, anger, greed, infatuations etc. The field of Intellect is different from the fields of mind, chitta, prana and ego. The field of intellect is independent. If we think from the viewpoint of the Sansar, we understand the nature of others with intellect. It sheds light on the problem making it clearer to understand. Intellect is tainted with prana so it makes decisions according to desires, expectations, anger, greed, infatuations etc'. So if you want peace and happiness in life, prana and intellect need to be worked on. Intellect can be cleansed by reducing desires, expectations, beliefs, prejudice etc,.   

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog. Part 1

Edition 1; Pages 321 - 322.

Thursday, November 23, 2023


 There are five inner implements, mind, intellect, chitta, prana and ego. Our intellect thinks, argues, makes inferences and raises questions. Mind makes resolutions and then makes up arguments against it. Chitta accepts many kind of Sanskars (impressions). Prana means expectations, desires, likings, longing, sensual pleasures, anger, greed, arrogance, jealousy, attachments and hate. Ego provides momentum and force to all these functions. We can name all these as our inner implements. Just as electricity passes through wires; mind, intellect, chitta, prana and ego work through our senses.


We can know the truthfulness of our heart only when there is reduction of impurities, interruptions and encasement of Prakruti from all our inner implements but are we going to sit around till then? Doors to the heart open even when the importance of the life and expression of the Bhavna towards the life is recognized. We need to gauge the progress of our life by the condition of all five inner implements and their higher progress. We need not keep checking this often. We should know this automatically while practicing our tools of Sadhana.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Part 1,

Edition 1, Page 323.

Thursday, November 16, 2023


 Since we are Jivas, we play the games of duality and stay in ignorance and illusion. There are several kinds of illusionary impurities with many gradations. Impurities are of many kinds at different levels. So Prakruti needs to be purified from different level of impurities of ignorance and illusion! This happens while being awakened over a period of time. At the same time, the work of the Sadhak that aspires to progress at higher levels is not finished by just working at this process. Writing about this process takes only few lines while it takes many births to accomplish it. Occasionally a blessed soul can finish this in present life.


 Prakruti was ruling over all our implements (physical, Subtle and causal) till now but now we have to unfurl the flag of Divine-energy. The basic strength and energy of each implement rest in divine consciousness. The Jiva meaning the Prakruti must have authoritative and energetic experience of this fact. This needs to be accomplished by not being a servant of Prakruti and without its manipulation or control. The Jiva must have the experience with knowledge and awareness. We must convince Prakruti of the fact that there is no impurities at its roots or in its original form. Prakruti then has the experience that Purush is pure on its own.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, part 1,

Edition 1, Pages 313 - 314.

Thursday, November 9, 2023


 When there is awakening of 'Maahalo Rama' (consciousness within), the work that needs to be done is to bring Prakruti under its control. Prakruti needs to know that it is possible to go above it. Obviously this does not happen without any effort. No one believes just like that. No one moves from their position without some matter of fact experience. If work is done with Prakruti, there will be anger. If there is anger it leads to loss of memory and comprehension (Smruti-Bransh). This in turn leads to loss of intelligence (Buddhi). This leads to complete destruction. If we think deeper about this understanding, the effects of the field of the Prana meaning what ever happens in Prana affects intelligence. So whenever there is experience by one inner implement (mind, intellect, Prana etc.) in the state of consciousness-experience, is it not possible for effects of the Bhava of Sadhana from this experience to spread from one inner implement to other inner implements? Will there be no difference between our feelings and theirs?

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Part 1

Edition 1, Page 313.

Thursday, November 2, 2023


 There are no impurities in fundamental consciousness. We have both Purush and Prakruti. We do not even understand Purush so how can we experience it? Purush is laying in the background in dormant condition. Everything is run by Prakruti. It is not impure in its original form. Prakruti is engaged in the play of duality. Duality is its characteristic and it is built in. Prakruti cannot keep living awareness of the knowledge, strength, clarity, equanimity etc. that is present at its root. It assumes the form of the activity that it is pursuing and gets entangled. This means it gets carried away, restrained and pushed around in the various aspects of the duality i.e it stays in the form of the Jiva.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Part 1

Edition 1, Page 312 - 313.