There are no impurities in fundamental consciousness. We have both Purush and Prakruti. We do not even understand Purush so how can we experience it? Purush is laying in the background in dormant condition. Everything is run by Prakruti. It is not impure in its original form. Prakruti is engaged in the play of duality. Duality is its characteristic and it is built in. Prakruti cannot keep living awareness of the knowledge, strength, clarity, equanimity etc. that is present at its root. It assumes the form of the activity that it is pursuing and gets entangled. This means it gets carried away, restrained and pushed around in the various aspects of the duality i.e it stays in the form of the Jiva.
Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Yog, Part 1
Edition 1, Page 312 - 313.