Thursday, October 26, 2023


 It is possible to develop goodness (sadbhav) towards other Jivas (souls) that are associated in the worldly dealings, feel the heartfelt touch of their good qualities and develop such attraction towards them, is possible only when the Jiva develops easy natural inner tendencies. When we do Sadhana there has to be development of some factual characteristics within us. When we are prepared to unravel consciousness within and in Sansar, first we must experience Consciousness awakened within us. When that happens, it will be reflected in Sansar. Every Jivatma has two elements, Prakruti and Purush. Purush is not awakened in any Jiva. Prakruti works in everything. Even-though, the root of Prakruti is same, it is experienced differently in everyone. Since we observe and evaluate everyone according to their Prakruti, we get confused. The Purush is dormant in every Jiva. Just as it is dormant in us it is also dormant in others. For that reason, every one is considered same. No one is more or less. What do we need Prakruti for? We want to experience and abide in the one ( the root ) who runs, pushes and provides the force to Prakruti.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Part 1

Edition 1, Page 312.