Thursday, December 21, 2023


 Mind, prana (desires, anger, greed , moha, jealousy etc.,) and intellect are three important inner implements in sadhana. They are inter connected. Thoughts, imaginations, vrutties, feelings and emotions arising in the mind are inter connected with prana.  For that reason it is very important to purify prana. Purified prana has a definite good effect on mind. Moreover rule of the desires in mind and intellect does not end there. It spreads its effect even in the senses. Who evaluates and accepts this touch of mind in the senses? Whatever happens in the senses are the effects of the clutches of the mind. How can you say that intellect is not taking part in these activities?Moreover how can you say that intellect is not partial in these activities? Intellect sticks to its opinions, understandings and many other puzzling situations with vehemence. So if Jiva wants to do sadhana, Jiva will have to be free of all this. How is it possible to do all these?

It is not possible to progress without achieving equanimity or practicing similar study with awareness and  knowledge. Developing Samata is very necessary. Peace cannot be established in mind without Samata. There must be establishment of quietude and peace in the mind, for the mind to be able to reject the touches and desires of the senses. This means it is very important for the sadhak to establish peace and Samata in the mind.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog part 1,

Edition 1, Pages 327 - 328.