People develop variety of mental and emotional moods at various times. For this reason you should not loose mental balance if someone behaves in a manner that you dislike or disapprove. Instead of being provoked and instigated at this time, you should remember the positive qualities of this person and appreciate best aspects of his or her life. Alternatively you can completely immerse yourself into naam-smaran at that very moment. In short you should have understanding and awareness that your mind is not disturbed by someone else's behavior towards you.
It is pollution of your mind if someone else's whims and inclination touches and affects your mind and it is true that you must cleanse your mind of this pollutants. This internal cleansing of the mind is not possible or sustainable unless you are constantly alert and aware. You should do heartfelt prayer to God for granting this awareness.
Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan-pravesh ( જીવન પ્રવેશ )
Edition 2, page 62

Thursday, February 24, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
March 15, 1940
Throughout our contact and our daily actions, we must remain steadfast in concentrating on the self within. This is the best way to live a meaningful life. Everyone has one's own standard of judging others. We estimate the worth of others by that standard and dub them "good" or "bad". One who appears to be "good" to one individual is "bad"in the eyes of another. Such differing view points are common.
We must give up our habit of judging others, for our opinion of anyone is based on the very petty, ill-founded and unreliable ground of our narrow conceptions, on our prejudices, and on our imperfect intellectual perceptions. It is absolutely unjust and improper, therefore, to evaluate the worth of anyone on such faulty bases. Not only it is improper in principle, but it also betrays our own defects. "Judge not that you be not judged" is a sound moral and practical maxim. In judging others, one finds himself automatically judged against the condemned for such a bad practice.
Judging others creates prejudices for and against people. The best thing for us is, therefore, to see that no adverse thought about others arises in our mind, and if it does, we should at once realize the impropriety of such a thought and summarily dismiss it immediately. Our love will then flow freely for one and all, although some person may appear "bad" to someone else, we shall act toward that person only with love. Whether or not others act lovingly towards us should be of no concern at all to us. Harboring the deliberate purpose of elevation of our souls, we must always behave towards everyone lovingly. What we must cultivate is the settled feeling of love ( bhava ) in our hearts for everyone.
As the circle of our love, consciously cherished, grows bigger, our likes and dislikes for others will become less and less pronounced, we shall no longer experience attachment or aversion towards anyone. Mellowness in our attitude is a clear indication of increasing love for every living creature.
As yet, we are not able to know even our own selves. The deeply hidden unhealthy things within us, the wicked impulses of our nature, are disclosed to us only after we have progressed on the spiritual path and have become introspective. Thus when we do not even our own selves, how can we know others? We must, therefore, give up our habit of forming opinions of others.
Pujya Shree Mota
Vision of life eternal
Edition 1; page 86-87
March 15, 1940
Throughout our contact and our daily actions, we must remain steadfast in concentrating on the self within. This is the best way to live a meaningful life. Everyone has one's own standard of judging others. We estimate the worth of others by that standard and dub them "good" or "bad". One who appears to be "good" to one individual is "bad"in the eyes of another. Such differing view points are common.
We must give up our habit of judging others, for our opinion of anyone is based on the very petty, ill-founded and unreliable ground of our narrow conceptions, on our prejudices, and on our imperfect intellectual perceptions. It is absolutely unjust and improper, therefore, to evaluate the worth of anyone on such faulty bases. Not only it is improper in principle, but it also betrays our own defects. "Judge not that you be not judged" is a sound moral and practical maxim. In judging others, one finds himself automatically judged against the condemned for such a bad practice.
Judging others creates prejudices for and against people. The best thing for us is, therefore, to see that no adverse thought about others arises in our mind, and if it does, we should at once realize the impropriety of such a thought and summarily dismiss it immediately. Our love will then flow freely for one and all, although some person may appear "bad" to someone else, we shall act toward that person only with love. Whether or not others act lovingly towards us should be of no concern at all to us. Harboring the deliberate purpose of elevation of our souls, we must always behave towards everyone lovingly. What we must cultivate is the settled feeling of love ( bhava ) in our hearts for everyone.
As the circle of our love, consciously cherished, grows bigger, our likes and dislikes for others will become less and less pronounced, we shall no longer experience attachment or aversion towards anyone. Mellowness in our attitude is a clear indication of increasing love for every living creature.
As yet, we are not able to know even our own selves. The deeply hidden unhealthy things within us, the wicked impulses of our nature, are disclosed to us only after we have progressed on the spiritual path and have become introspective. Thus when we do not even our own selves, how can we know others? We must, therefore, give up our habit of forming opinions of others.
Pujya Shree Mota
Vision of life eternal
Edition 1; page 86-87
Thursday, February 10, 2011
We should always wish the best for everybody, even though they may not reciprocate or feel the same way. So if you train your mind with this understanding, then this kind of incident will not be able to disturb the peace in your mind. For this reason, it is important to have the right attitude to maintain a peaceful mind. If your mind starts to wander, then you should bring it back. If you find your mind taking interest in extraneous matters, then you should persuade it to come to a peaceful state. You should pray sincerely in your heart during these encounters. This kind of experiment needs to be done several times a day with mindfulness and awareness. These experiments develop self confidence and a true understanding of life. Only when you develop this kind of self confidence can you restrain your mind in real situations. We may encounter setbacks during these experiments. We should never be discouraged since we have made a conscious, firm and irrevocable decision to do this kind of work. The soul that engages in this kind of work will immediately know that any deviation of mind from this purpose is not right and is detrimental to the development of his life and his goal. Do not brood over your thoughts while performing your work. Do your work with a sense of devotion and surrender to God. We should always try to find a way to maintain peace, happiness and freedom from worries in our minds, at the same time practicing the tool with complete concentration and single-mindedness. This is the real meaning of sadhana.
Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan pravesh ( જીવન પ્રવેશ )
Edition 2; page 71-72
Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan pravesh ( જીવન પ્રવેશ )
Edition 2; page 71-72
Thursday, February 3, 2011
SADGURU'S ( સદગુ્રુ ) HELP
You feel like going to see your sadguru, but it is important to learn the art of invoking the sadguru live in your heart. Any sadhak ( devotee ) who sees him only in his outer physical form is not a true sadhak and this will not help him.
A sadhak who makes good use of his sadguru always shines light on his sadguru by improving his own life; getting his help and support whenever he needs, and continuing to march forward with gratitude and the satisfaction of having done his duty. He does not just sit around and enjoy the safety and peace of mind that he receives from his sadguru.
Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan pravesh ( જીવન પ્રવેશ )
Edition 2; Page 22
A sadhak who makes good use of his sadguru always shines light on his sadguru by improving his own life; getting his help and support whenever he needs, and continuing to march forward with gratitude and the satisfaction of having done his duty. He does not just sit around and enjoy the safety and peace of mind that he receives from his sadguru.
Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan pravesh ( જીવન પ્રવેશ )
Edition 2; Page 22