3 March, 1943
Whenever your mind is not feeling light, and is heavy, you definitely should do " Hari Om " naam- smaran ( reciting and remembering God's name ) with enthusiasm, openness, love and complete absorption ( dhun, ધુન ). If you can not understand the cause of this kind of disturbance in your mind, try analyzing the cause of this agitation and anger in your mind with equanimity, at the same time doing naam-smaran. You must find the root cause of this mental disturbance. All this is very important for sadhak. Nothing should pass by without this kind of observation. In fact understanding of all this should be automatic and effortless. It is better if you do not have to make an effort to understand the cause of the mental disturbance. Know for sure that this stage of effortless noticing will become a reality, when effort is made repeatedly.
Again it is important to express your heartfelt importance in naam-smaran while you are analyzing with detachment. The cause of loosing tract while analyzing must be understood and corrected and all this must and should be expressed in real life.
Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan manthan ( જીવન મંથન )
Edition 3; page 352.
My two cents ---
I think this is a low acuity meditation method and can be done while walking. Just do naam-smaran loudly while observing your mind. This can be done on a regular basis or when your mind is agitated for any reason.

Thursday, June 30, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
We will never make it, till we learn to think ( perceive and function ) above and beyond the mind, with clear understanding and knowledge. For this to happen, we should think with mind as little as possible. We should practice to keep our mind blank for 5 to 6 minutes ( even 2 to 3 minutes in the beginning ). Even after that do not let the thoughts come randomly ( it is better if you do not get thoughts, but that is difficult ). You tell the mind " you can think as much as you want " and give it complete freedom to do so. But on your part do not get entangled with those thoughts and watch it with equanimity and as a witness, without taking any interest in those thoughts. Afterwards you can think and analyze about the appropriateness of those thoughts and then explain this to mind. This particular training is very necessary to go, above and beyond the mind and stay in that state. It is vital to see and be on alert, that mind does not act on it's on, and in turn does everything, that you ask for. Mystery, play and acting of mind is really powerful and tends to keep us in dark, deploying any and all methods.
Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan pagaran ( જીવન પગરણ )
Edition 3; page 107.
Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan pagaran ( જીવન પગરણ )
Edition 3; page 107.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
It it better if you can go to the root cause of these thoughts, when you notice these thoughts while meditating. It is desirable, if you can transform the root cause of these thoughts into a force that leads to higher consciousness. But all this is very difficult in the early stages of meditation. It is very possible to loose the real purpose of meditation and get entangled into this process of finding the root cause of these thoughts. So let the thoughts come and flow by. It is very good if instant and automatic awareness is created ( for not getting attached to succeeding thoughts while meditating ).
Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan pagaran ( જીવન પગરણ )
Edition 3; page 89.
Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan pagaran ( જીવન પગરણ )
Edition 3; page 89.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Devotee ; Mota, What kind of change has to happen in natural characteristics of mind, intelligence (બુિધ્ધ), chitta ( િચત્ત ), prana and ego, to realize that true surrender has developed?
Pujya Shree Mota ; When natural characteristics and tendencies of mind, intelligence, chitta, prana and ego change, then only true surrender can manifest itself.
Mind stops wavering and being indecisive. Intelligence sheds it's doubts, uncertainty, confusion, arguments , speculation, and changes the whole thought process i.e. intelligence develops deep understanding and wisdom. Natural characteristics of prana like expectations, desires, covetousness, sexual desires, anger, arrogance, infatuation, jealousy etc loose it's grip and only desire left is for God. Ego looses it's natural pride, accepts and expresses, the will of divine consciousness. The impressions of natural tendencies slowly fades away in chitta and only impressions left and expressed are towards fulfilling desire for divine consciousness.
True surrender is established only when all these occur.
Pujya Shree Mota
Dhan no yog ( ધનનો યોગ )
Edition 1; page 112
Pujya Shree Mota ; When natural characteristics and tendencies of mind, intelligence, chitta, prana and ego change, then only true surrender can manifest itself.
Mind stops wavering and being indecisive. Intelligence sheds it's doubts, uncertainty, confusion, arguments , speculation, and changes the whole thought process i.e. intelligence develops deep understanding and wisdom. Natural characteristics of prana like expectations, desires, covetousness, sexual desires, anger, arrogance, infatuation, jealousy etc loose it's grip and only desire left is for God. Ego looses it's natural pride, accepts and expresses, the will of divine consciousness. The impressions of natural tendencies slowly fades away in chitta and only impressions left and expressed are towards fulfilling desire for divine consciousness.
True surrender is established only when all these occur.
Pujya Shree Mota
Dhan no yog ( ધનનો યોગ )
Edition 1; page 112
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Devotee ; Mota, Why can't we maintain enthusiasm all the time in dealing with life's problems? Even the experiences of happiness does not last for ever . Why is that?
Pujya Shree Mota ; We can not maintain enthusiasm in dealing with problems of life, behavior and society. The reason for this, is the appearance of despair and apathy in our lives. We feel this way because the result of our actions does not meet our expectations all the time, and there may be other obstacles and hinderances also. If we have an understanding, that when you are dealing with life, it is by very nature this kind of outcome is expected and should be accepted.
It is not possible to fulfill 100% of one's ideas and desires, and obstacles, difficulties, puzzles and problems are bound to occur. There is only one way for us to be saved from all these. The way is to maintain peace and satisfaction, no matter what. Gita declares unequivocally " અશાંતસ્ય કુતઃ સુખમ્ ". How can one be happy without peace? If one wants to be happy in any particular field, then only way is to keep and maintain peace. With peace and satisfaction being lively and permanent, there develops certain easiness of intellect and that is very helpful in finding the solutions of our problems in life.
Unhappiness, quarrel, repentance, difficulty, conflict and indecision cause our intelligence to be less effective and that in turn, fails to find solutions of our problems. So it is very important to maintain peace and satisfaction if one wants to succeed in higher fields of life. That is the only way to happiness.
Pujya Shree Mota
Dhan no yog ( ધનનો યોગ )
Edition 1; page 115
Pujya Shree Mota ; We can not maintain enthusiasm in dealing with problems of life, behavior and society. The reason for this, is the appearance of despair and apathy in our lives. We feel this way because the result of our actions does not meet our expectations all the time, and there may be other obstacles and hinderances also. If we have an understanding, that when you are dealing with life, it is by very nature this kind of outcome is expected and should be accepted.
It is not possible to fulfill 100% of one's ideas and desires, and obstacles, difficulties, puzzles and problems are bound to occur. There is only one way for us to be saved from all these. The way is to maintain peace and satisfaction, no matter what. Gita declares unequivocally " અશાંતસ્ય કુતઃ સુખમ્ ". How can one be happy without peace? If one wants to be happy in any particular field, then only way is to keep and maintain peace. With peace and satisfaction being lively and permanent, there develops certain easiness of intellect and that is very helpful in finding the solutions of our problems in life.
Unhappiness, quarrel, repentance, difficulty, conflict and indecision cause our intelligence to be less effective and that in turn, fails to find solutions of our problems. So it is very important to maintain peace and satisfaction if one wants to succeed in higher fields of life. That is the only way to happiness.
Pujya Shree Mota
Dhan no yog ( ધનનો યોગ )
Edition 1; page 115