Thursday, June 27, 2013


We get the opportunity to appreciate the bhava of God in many incidents and surroundings in our lives. Prayer to become aware, appreciate and express this bhava in our hearts and use it to achieve ultimate goal in our lives is also a powerful tool.

Expression of innocence in our lives when we see an innocent child, expression of love for God in our hearts when we see a person with a loving heart, expression of discipline in us when we see a person with sincerity of the work, expression of keen bhavna, energy and strength in us when we see a holy person with these good qualities, expression of purity in us when we see a motherly woman with purity in her heart, expression of God's manifestation in us when we see a beautiful natural settings, expression of intensity and enthusiasm in us when we see a river rushing towards its goal incessantly are some of the examples of incidents and surroundings in our lives that express the bhava of God.

Pujya Shree Mota
Life and works
Edition 1; page 254.

Thursday, June 20, 2013


Amongst the many strengths of the sadhak mind is the subtlest of them. Surrounding atmosphere can easily upset the mind. It clashes in physical atmosphere created by contact with senses. More over the mind clashes and is affected a whole lot more by subtle atmosphere. Influences from good or bad company can help or hurt and creates reactions and counter reactions in the mind. This is lot stronger influence.

Close association with holy people can have positive influence on the mind if there is faith, trust, respect, love and devotion in the heart of sadhak. Other way to escape the effects of the surrounding atmosphere is to be constantly and deeply engaged in philanthropic thought or work. To keep mind engaged in holy activities ( sattvik ) avoids many effects of atmosphere on the mind. It is much easier and powerful to develop favorable atmosphere than to keep fighting unhealthy atmosphere. If sadhak learns the art of holding on to good vibrations around him, he can create new life for him in spite of
being surrounded by bad atmosphere.

Pujya Shree Mota
Excerpts from "Life and works"
Edition 1; pages 277 - 279.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


We have to make certain that the bad points of any soul is not seen by us. At the same time we should not feel offended if somebody finds bad points in us. We must continue to appreciate good things in others and ignore if nobody appreciates our good qualities. We have to develop heartfelt love for all concerned and care about them with all our hearts. We have to completely ignore if others do not show the same kind of love or show anger and malice towards us. When time comes we should be extra nice to them. We should consider everything as an expression of God.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan sopan
Edition 3; page 151.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


' GURU ' is not a physical entity. Yet guru can impart proper understanding and useful information for the development of life at the physical level. More over he is visibly helpful in guiding and energizing us when we are confronted with the elements and tendencies of ordinary life that hinder our progress towards spiritual life ( if we pray for his help with our heart, devotion and knowledge ). If we can establish this kind of heart to heart connection with love and affection then we will never ever feel lonely, alone or lost. We will always experience the presence of our guide and friend with us at all times.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan sopan
Edition 3; page 120 - 121.