Thursday, April 26, 2018


The soul that develops living and creative bhava in the heart by reciting prayers and lives carefree in the grace of God's remembrance (naam-smaran) is never hindered by mental afflictions.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Pokar
Edition 4; Page 340.

Thursday, April 19, 2018


                                                                       Hari Om

April 9, 1953.

As the awareness of the purpose of life gets to be intensified in the purified intellect, equanimity is experienced in the intellect. When that happens we get success in removing all kinds of partisanship and partiality with the help of purified intellect filled with equanimity. Some thoughts may appear to be right and some may appear to be wrong and yet both may have some truth in it. Sometimes certain
thoughts appear to be right and appropriate and yet our attachments, likings, infatuations and desires may be mixed with it, meaning such thoughts may contain partisanship and preconceived notions. Opposing thoughts may have other kind of partisanships. We need to be free from the partisanships and pre conceived notions affecting our natural tendencies, thoughts, feelings and forces of prana with awareness and help of equanimity in our purified intellect. It is very important for this to happen.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Pokar
Edition 4; Pages 166 - 167.

Thursday, April 12, 2018


We are troubled by swajans in variety of ways. No body takes pity on us! Everybody keeps saying loudly that :-
'Love us, show us affection, be fond of us, give importance only to us, do everything only for us, count us in everything, do everything only after asking us, always give us importance and keep us in front in everything, talk only good things about us, let us behave the way we want, give us encouragement'. They keep on expecting such things.

Give love first and then experience it.

All these swajans have no idea that love cannot be experienced before giving it whole heartedly in an appropriate manner. All are wandering and entangled in worldly affairs. Still they have no awareness or knowledge about it. Nobody seems to care about their advancement of life. Most are living their lives in this manner. Nobody has the urge to set aside laziness and wake up from such life. Not only that they are happy to show that they are active and awake while in-fact that are at sleep. How can we relieve our excruciating pain after seeing swajans in such condition? Yet we have indefinite patience.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Pokar
Edition 4; Pages 169 - 170.

Thursday, April 5, 2018


March 14, 1963.

Swajan :  Is it possible to appreciate the characteristics of being aware of our purpose in life?

Pujya Shree Mota : It is unavoidable and very essential for making the progress, to be aware of the purpose in life. You will see that this awareness of the purpose is discussed in many of my writings. Whenever there is awareness during all the works of a person, know that this person is on the path of sadhana. There are certain characteristics of the person when there is presence of the awareness of the  purpose of life. When there is awareness of the purpose, there is presence of dynamic equanimity that is both action oriented and progressive and can be used in any works. The force of the numerous puzzles and pre conceived ideas in the intellect gets to be much less as presence of subtleness in intellect directs it straight to the purpose of life with concentration and single pointedness. When there is presence of the awareness of the purpose, the force of the attachments and jealousy gets to be minimal. We do not get pushed around by the urges of our understanding, beliefs, habits and customs. When there is presence of the awareness of the purpose, there is resoluteness and certainty of the goal of life. 

Pujya Shree Mota
Sant - Hradaya
Edition 3; Page 154.