Thursday, May 30, 2019


----------- Continued from previous blog

Sadhak should have such living, creative faith and trust in his heart for the goal of his life that nobody can deviate him from that goal. The soul that is bothered mentally by his present situation (condition) and feels intensely about it, can never stay in same situation. He will cry out loud from his heart. This crying out loud is the prayer. There is always faith at the root of the prayer. Prayer that is based on faith and devotion can ignite vitality in life.

One needs to create heartfelt bhavna to decide what kind of form and shape to give to his life to reach the goal. Sadhak must have determined attitude towards the goal of his life. There is nothing like despair in the life of the sadhak (from the upheavals in life that is certain to happen) who has his mind and heart set on his goal. At such times he will express and offer his inner feelings at Thy lotus feet.

One can never stick to the goal if there is no faith or the faith cannot be produced. In any field of work one needs appropriate faith and trust to stick to that field of work. Human relies on trust fundamentally to carry out transections and dealings in life. It is apparent that the interactions in other fields are also based on trust. There is trust at the base of most businesses. In this world most things work on trust. There is not much suspicion where self interest is predominant; and mind can stay engaged in the subject without waffling. So it is equally important for us to realize the importance and usefulness of someone where our self interest lies for the sake of developing our lives.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Pagaran
Edition 3; Preface, Pages 8 - 9.

Thursday, May 23, 2019


-------  Continued from last blog

The soul can easily and effortlessly enter the subject matter if he has intense absorption (લગની, Lagani) in that particular subject. One cannot develop liking and interest without having this absorption and without this absorption in the subject, mind does not settle into it. There is a possibility to develop this absorption if our attention, instead of being given to other works of life, is given to the subject of our interest only, with thinking, contemplating and daily practice of it. Intellect cannot claim to know the subject till it becomes one with the subject matter and it is not possible to know the importance of the subject matter without submerging the intellect in the subject. If intellect cannot understand the importance of the subject matter how can it accept it whole heartedly. It is a matter of our daily experience that nothing can be understood completely without complete acceptance of the subject. Thus the acceptance by intellect plays a large and important part.

In the sadhana to develop one's life it is essential to have awareness at all the time. One can be an expert in the subject in direct proportion to the level of awareness. This kind of inner awareness opens the eyes of the mind and heart and that can keep the sadhak on his toes all the time. Even if sadhak is in the state of serious disappointments and yet feels that he has the support of powerful entity and his heart is longing with ardent desire to reach the goal of life; such sadhak gets the indomitable strength. This strength helps him to come out of these serious disappointments.

                                                     ----------- Continued next blog.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Pagaran
Edition 3; Pages 7 - 8.

Thursday, May 16, 2019


These thoughts are expressed in the beginning of the book --  Preface, Jivan Pagaran, Edition 3.

Harijan Ashram,
February 9, 1951.

These letters are written for the persons who are just making their feet wet in spirituality. It is understandable that it may not be appropriate for all, complete in its entirety or may not contain all the information on the subject.

It is very important for the beginner sadhak to not give much importance to the measures and manifestations of his own progress in spirituality since it may not be appropriate for his understanding at that level of progress. At the same time sadhak will have to figure out the measure of his own progress. It is appropriate that he continues to explore and measure his level. It is also important for him to completely stop measuring others.

One gets the return from the friends and companions depending upon the sincerity, thoughtfulness and intentions that were expressed towards them. Some sentient beings may not seem to be able to progress apparently, in spite of living close to very developed souls for a long time. This observation has led some to believe that some soul stayed with the certain soul but was not benefited. These thoughts are not proper. If natural and forceful efforts are made and aim is established firmly regarding the direction that one wants to pursue, nothing should matter and there should be no objection. Every sadhak has to find out what is objectionable to him.

                                                ---------------  Continued next week's blog.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Pagaran
Edition 3; Preface -- Pages 6 -- 7.

Thursday, May 9, 2019


We need to continue our work with interest, enthusiasm and happiness. There should be no idleness, indifference or weariness. We should also understand that we are on the wrong path if enthusiasm and happiness are not resulted from the naam-smaran. It means there is no real interest and immersion in naam-smaran yet. Naam-smaran is our foundation and we are going to build our palaces with it. It is our most important tool. Other tools are to develop concentration in naam-smaran. Even though naam-smaran is the main tool, afterwards we have to offer our selves to the energy that is produced from naam-smaran. For now naam-smaran is useful mainly in awakening this latent energy and developing interest in it. Real struggle starts after the awakening of this energy and then we get to understand all kind of things very clearly.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Pagaran
Edition 3; Pages 227 - 228

Thursday, May 2, 2019


Someone may ask, "Is it possible to laugh and eat dry powdered grain at the same time?" It is certainly possible to cary out all the functions in the worldly affairs and love the God, if we consider God to be more important than our own lives and love Him with heart and sincerity. Worldly affairs will continue to be done as such and our work will also be accomplished. We are not running away anywhere. We will stay put where we are presently. All we need to do is direct attention of our chitta (ચિત્ત), heart, mind and all vrutties from the other side towards this side. When we love something a lot than it does not take any time to change our mind, stabilize chitta and express our feeling of love and emotions from the heart. This is our daily experience. You love your husband and does it take any time to bring your attention to him with mind, chitta, heart? You experience happiness at that time! Do you have to work hard for that? If we develop love and affection for God then such  hard and laborious work is not needed.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Pagaran
Edition 3; Page 125 - 126.