Thursday, November 25, 2010


So far we have discussed Pujya Shree Mota's guidance regarding the deeper meaning of living a spiritual life  (sadhana). The verses included in these 18 points need to be read, understood and followed in your daily life with sincerity and devotion.

From this point on I will be translating interesting and important paragraphs from Pujya Shree Mota's writings. Late Dr. Rameshbhai M. Bhatt compiled some of Pujya Shree Mota's writings in the Gujarati book "Nirantar Vikas."  I intend to translate some writings from this book as well.

I would appreciate your feedback regarding this format of translation.



As soon as a thought arises in the mind, the first order of business is to identify its nature and root cause. If it happens to be a negative thought, arising out of your natural tendencies, then you must develop the courage and spirit of adventure to abandon that thought.  If you master the art of identifying the nature and root cause of each thought, then you will get tremendous insight, force and inspiration. We have to play with the mind at the same time that we're taking its help. The mind has tremendous powers and is very skillful. The mind is our friend if we get its help in a constructive manner, with confidence and peace.

The mind has unimaginable powers to conquer, assimilate and achieve the most miraculous results. The mind is a powerful tool to experience oneness, sympathy and sincerity with the universe. In a way, the mind's powers are manifestations of the mystic powers of nature. At the same time these powers are a part of God's wonderful expressions.  So by taking the mind's help, we can enter the divine consciousness of knowledge and wisdom. 

The mind needs to be reminded of its purpose.  At times, it should be stirred up and then made coherent and cohesive. If we do these things, then success will come. We should be a witness to our mind while performing all the work in our life. It is also important to have the knowledge and awareness that there is no other way without being a witness to your mind.

We should not suppress the fancy of our mind, but we should not become entangled in it either. We should not be swept up in its currents, but inertia and lethargy are not acceptable either.

Pujya Shree Mota

"jivan mandaan" ( જીવન મંડાણ )
Edition 3 ; page 31-32

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Action itself is not important.

What is important is the constant and continuous awareness of life's purpose behind the action, while performing the action.


My two cents  ----

This is the last of the 18 verses written by Pujya Shree Mota. These verses give us the blue print for living a spiritual life. If these verses are put into practice, progress is sure to come in your life. The grace of Pujya Shree Mota is always there and you can count on it.

At one of Pujya Shree Mota's discourses a devotee asked "Are there any rites, rituals or methods to doing Sadhana ( living spiritual life )?"

Pujya Shree Mota replied "While performing actions, you should have a living awareness of God's presence in your heart, with knowledge and devotion.  Remember the purpose of performing actions is to shape and improve yourself. Moreover, all actions are dedicated to God and are done in the spirit of offering. At the same time there should be complete harmony and cooperation of mind and other parts of the body (like intelligence, prana etc). This is the method of Sadhana."

 There is no Sadhana particularly separate from life itself.


Thursday, November 11, 2010


See the positive side of everything and everybody.

Do not judge others ; Do not rush to give your opinion on any subject.

Do not engage in unnecessary arguments and insist that your viewpoint is right ; Instill auspicious sense of purpose into others ; Express all pervading generosity in your life ; Develop abundance of living awareness of love ( bhava ).

Remember that you have to transform the human nature ; Keep that in mind and act to overcome it ; Develop detachment to the results your work.

Convince your self that root cause of injustice and unhappiness is within you ; Intensify loving awareness of love and devotion for your Guru ; Develop triune ( like mixing waters of Ganga, Jamuna and Saraswati ) of aspiration, denial ( of undivine ) and surrender to God ; Always be happy and spread happiness.

Experience the twins of divine grace and your effort in life ; Remember God at the beginning, middle and and at the end of all your actions ; Quiet the mind.

Be alert to abolish attachments and hate in you ; If you have spiritual experiences express it in your daily life.

Do not run away from this life ; Accept with your own free will whatever comes your way as a gift from God.

Do not try to compare anybody ; Favorable or adverse circumstances is a myth and delusion created by mind ; Everything is always helpful for spiritual life.

Have passion and excitement to be silent instrument of God.

My two cents  ---

In this particular section Pujya Shree Mota explains do's and don'ts for the spiritual life. It sounds like a tall order to follow. At the same time it is very practical. We try to follow as much as we can but fall short to achieve the goal. In the words of Pujya Shree Mota "you need aspiration like a erupting volcano". Then only it is possible to achieve the goal.
Pujya Shree Mota has put lot of emphasis on Naam-Smaran as a safe and very effective tool. It increases bhava towards divine and lights the fire that burns the impurities of mind and cleanses the prana.
Ten minutes of chanting and living awareness of God will go a long way.


Thursday, November 4, 2010


God is omnipresent.

Develop live awareness that " all creations are the reflection of ones-self ".


My two cents ---

First part clearly states that God permeates everything live or inert. It is easy to say but extremely difficult to experience. If enough awareness is created then glimpses of one of the aspects may be experienced.

Who has not experienced the smile and laughter of a child? We instinctively smile and laugh back and see ourselves in that child. This common bond is one of the aspect of God that can be realized if living awareness is developed.

Next time you get angry at your spouse consider it as being angry at yourself !

Pujya Shree Mota has written a book "  Tuj Charana  " ( translated in English " At Thy Lotus Feet " by Shree Hemantkumar Nilkanth ) describing various attributes and manifestations of Almighty in prayer form and I recommend it to all readers of this blog.
