Thursday, November 4, 2010


God is omnipresent.

Develop live awareness that " all creations are the reflection of ones-self ".


My two cents ---

First part clearly states that God permeates everything live or inert. It is easy to say but extremely difficult to experience. If enough awareness is created then glimpses of one of the aspects may be experienced.

Who has not experienced the smile and laughter of a child? We instinctively smile and laugh back and see ourselves in that child. This common bond is one of the aspect of God that can be realized if living awareness is developed.

Next time you get angry at your spouse consider it as being angry at yourself !

Pujya Shree Mota has written a book "  Tuj Charana  " ( translated in English " At Thy Lotus Feet " by Shree Hemantkumar Nilkanth ) describing various attributes and manifestations of Almighty in prayer form and I recommend it to all readers of this blog.
