Thursday, October 28, 2010


Perceive subtlety and finer elements rather than gross physical elements in everything.

Purify natural tendencies ( vrutti ).

Increase living awareness ( bhava ).


My two cents ---

This reminds me of the previous blog post "Physical processes and Sadhana."  You can appreciate that blog only if you have the ability to perceive subtle rather than gross elements.

This particular verse explains one of the processes to increase your living awareness of God.  It starts with a gross physical object or event. Of course you will observe the object or the event according to your previous experiences and memory of it. This particular natural tendency needs to be watched, analyzed and purified and directed towards experiencing the subtle aspects of the event. The more you do this, the better it gets. Even the tiniest success in this process will give you immense joy and appreciation of God almighty. In this way an event becomes an instrument to increase living awareness of God.

Recently I attended a medical conference and one of the symposia needed a ticket to enter the room. Although I was registered for the event, the organizers by mistake did not give me the ticket for the event. While I was explaining the situation to the usher, a bystander overheard  the conversation and said "Oh! I have an extra ticket and you can have it."

I was amused and baffled. Apparently this event made my life easier. But why? After a few days I got the answer.

The event needed to be shared on this blog.

On the other hand it is also entirely possible to have a ticket, lose it and not be admitted to the symposium. Will I feel the same way?  I sincerely do not know but hope I do.
