"Shree Krishna Sharanam Mamah" ( શ્રી કૃષણ શરણં મમઃ ) is a prayer and there should be no objection in repeating it continuously. But you must have the constant aspiration and awareness in your heart about your surrender to Shree Krishna. You should not imagine certain statue or picture in your mind or psyche as soon as you utter the word Krishna. There should be certain live awareness of surrender. Some people imagine Krishna surrounded by cows or playing flute or in any other forms that has been seen earlier or traditionally passed down the generations. This is not appropriate for us.
Heart is the place where living awareness ( ભાવ ) originates and if you want to experience the formless aspect of the divine, then you should not engage in this play of imagination. At the same time it is not appropriate for you to create conflict in the mind of persons who feels this way ( play of imagination ). That way is good for them. So Krishna is an abstract word. We should have live awareness of surrendering our mind, intelligence, psyche, prana and all other aspect of our body including heart when the word Shree Krishna is spoken.
Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Sandesh ( જીવન સંદેશ )
Page 12
Compiled in Nirantar vikas ( િનરંતર િવકાસ ) Sept 29.

Thursday, December 30, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Somebody asked me " what is the use of God if he is swayed or flattered by hearing his praise ". I answered " so you think the purpose of singing praise of God is to flatter him?". He said " yes ". I answered " than don't do it ".
Bhajan is the way to reduce infatuation and hate ( રાગદૃેષ ), anger etc and to have goodness towards all. Everything is an expression of God. So why get angry. Bhajan means developing equanimity, being good to all and actually behaving with these attributes. It is not bhajan if you remember Him for one or two hours in a day and then behave in contrary manner for rest of the day. Whatever you do, needs to be done with cooperation of others and not with your whimsical mind. Excellent work will be done if it done with love, cooperation and with harmony. We will feel distant from divine consciousness and loose harmony if the work is not done in this manner.
If you keep harmony with the people you come in contact in this world, that in itself is bhajan. So please at least do this. Harmony of heart is very important as it benefits us in variety of ways. Disagreements and difficulties that arise out of each others nature and money problems will be helped for sure. It is useless to keep any relationship with me if you cannot even do this much ( keep harmony ). If you want to succeed in the worldly affairs, human relationship and business ; harmony is the key. There is no question of feeling small or not important when you deal with your family or loved ones. Have patience. Every problem has a solution. I tell this to every one; not just to you in particular.
Harmony is also as important in dealing with our five instruments of action ( કરણો ) mind, intelligence, psyche ( ચિ-ત ), life force ( પ્રાણ ) and ego. Of course it is very difficult to do this as they have their own field of action and keep fighting with each other. To maintain harmony among these, only tool we have is to sing devotional songs; and then only we can transform our natural tendencies.
Pujya Shree Mota
Maun mandirma pran-pratistha. ( મૌનમંદિરમાં પ્રાણપ્રતિષઠા )
Edition-1; page 10-11
Bhajan is the way to reduce infatuation and hate ( રાગદૃેષ ), anger etc and to have goodness towards all. Everything is an expression of God. So why get angry. Bhajan means developing equanimity, being good to all and actually behaving with these attributes. It is not bhajan if you remember Him for one or two hours in a day and then behave in contrary manner for rest of the day. Whatever you do, needs to be done with cooperation of others and not with your whimsical mind. Excellent work will be done if it done with love, cooperation and with harmony. We will feel distant from divine consciousness and loose harmony if the work is not done in this manner.
If you keep harmony with the people you come in contact in this world, that in itself is bhajan. So please at least do this. Harmony of heart is very important as it benefits us in variety of ways. Disagreements and difficulties that arise out of each others nature and money problems will be helped for sure. It is useless to keep any relationship with me if you cannot even do this much ( keep harmony ). If you want to succeed in the worldly affairs, human relationship and business ; harmony is the key. There is no question of feeling small or not important when you deal with your family or loved ones. Have patience. Every problem has a solution. I tell this to every one; not just to you in particular.
Harmony is also as important in dealing with our five instruments of action ( કરણો ) mind, intelligence, psyche ( ચિ-ત ), life force ( પ્રાણ ) and ego. Of course it is very difficult to do this as they have their own field of action and keep fighting with each other. To maintain harmony among these, only tool we have is to sing devotional songs; and then only we can transform our natural tendencies.
Pujya Shree Mota
Maun mandirma pran-pratistha. ( મૌનમંદિરમાં પ્રાણપ્રતિષઠા )
Edition-1; page 10-11
Thursday, December 16, 2010
We human beings are even not aware that we should live like human beings. Do not see each others deficiencies and even if you happen to see it, do not store in your mind. Live in harmony. Reduce the forces of attachment, jealousy, desires, anger, pride and covetousness etc. No body does any of these. It will be a matter of great respect if it is done. From this view point we human beings are worse than animals. So when you come to ashram, bring with you the quest to improve the life to it's best and appreciate the gift and value of human body. We should not come to ashram with the same old talk and gossip especially on tuesday, a day of prayer. It makes no sense if you are not going to think about human life. The purpose of this place is to elevate the lives of people that come here due to destiny, into higher consciousness. Ashram is established for this purpose only, by the grace of my guru-maharaj. I desire your relationship but if you are not going to change yourself or your beliefs, than I do not need that kind of relationship. It is useless to keep relationship with me if you are going to follow same circle of attachment and jealousy.
" How will you support your ashram if you advise like that " some one may ask. My life does not depend on the ashram. I will close the ashram if it is not supported, so stop thinking about it. Stay in the same living awareness ( bhava, ભાવ ) from the time you leave your home to the time you return. People talk all sorts of mundane things when they visit the temple. It is useless to come to ashram that way. It is much better if you do not visit the ashram at all. It is meaningless to come to ashram if you are not going to recite God's name, change your nature and develop the strength to let go for each other in the society.
Pujya Shree Mota
Maun mandir no murm ( માૈન મંદિરનો મમૅ )
Edition-1, page 17-18
" How will you support your ashram if you advise like that " some one may ask. My life does not depend on the ashram. I will close the ashram if it is not supported, so stop thinking about it. Stay in the same living awareness ( bhava, ભાવ ) from the time you leave your home to the time you return. People talk all sorts of mundane things when they visit the temple. It is useless to come to ashram that way. It is much better if you do not visit the ashram at all. It is meaningless to come to ashram if you are not going to recite God's name, change your nature and develop the strength to let go for each other in the society.
Pujya Shree Mota
Maun mandir no murm ( માૈન મંદિરનો મમૅ )
Edition-1, page 17-18
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Devotee : " I have lots of conflict with my family due to my nature! I do not know how to handle this. Because of that I have to face many unpleasant situations".
Pujya Shree Mota : " Look, if you cannot cooperate with heartfelt awareness with the person who is your life partner, then how do you expect to do anything for God? You must understand with heartfelt awareness that the purpose of the incidents is to remove the feeling of unpleasantness towards your life partner. One who wants to live happily in this life, always remembers the purpose behind the works or actions that comes his way; the purpose being development of spiritual life. He then uses this to his advantage with complete knowledge and awareness of the purpose".
Pujya Shree Mota
Conversations with Shree Mota ( શ્રી માેટા સાથે વાતાૅલાપ )
Edition 2, Page 107
Pujya Shree Mota : " Look, if you cannot cooperate with heartfelt awareness with the person who is your life partner, then how do you expect to do anything for God? You must understand with heartfelt awareness that the purpose of the incidents is to remove the feeling of unpleasantness towards your life partner. One who wants to live happily in this life, always remembers the purpose behind the works or actions that comes his way; the purpose being development of spiritual life. He then uses this to his advantage with complete knowledge and awareness of the purpose".
Pujya Shree Mota
Conversations with Shree Mota ( શ્રી માેટા સાથે વાતાૅલાપ )
Edition 2, Page 107
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Whenever your mind starts to see and think falsehood and goes astray, you must understand that your mind is not peaceful, relaxed and in joyous status. Whenever it is not centered, then only it starts to see faults in others. We want to live in constant state of awareness. So as soon as there is loss of peace and equanimity, there is break in state of awareness. Moreover if you have developed even a little bit of focus and concentration, there is immediate loss of this too. For this reason it is ideal training to keep goodwill and goodness towards all, thus helping us to keep centered.
If someone asks " why should we consider a thief as a good person". To think that thief has only bad qualities is wrong. He also has traces of goodness and can also have good qualities and virtues. So when you think of him as a thief and touch that part of him; he also has negative feelings towards you. Even if you see these bad qualities in his nature; you must also see and appreciate his other good qualities. Only this will increase goodness in you. This training is our biggest asset.
If we think only goodness about others, no matter what others thinks of us, is the most positive force that can help in developing our spiritual life. So if we train our mind with this knowledge; than others will not have negative thoughts that can disturb the peace in our mind. It is important to keep mind centered, stopping it from going astray, and bring it back if goes astray. Pray in your heart and continue doing this experiment with complete awareness in your mind. True understanding and self confidence towards developing spiritual life comes from this experiment when done with inner knowledge and awareness. When this kind of self confidence develops, than only you can bring back the mind under control when it goes astray.
When we experiment with mind, we may get setbacks, yet it is never discouraging. When we have made a firm and irrevocable decision to do certain works ( develop spiritual life ) then any straying from the purpose should be an indication that mind is not centered and that position of mind is not conducive to the progress in sadhana. We must know and understand this by heart.
While performing any action, do not brood over too much. Whatever needs to be done, do it as an offering to God. Always work towards making mind carefree, content, peaceful and joyous so it can concentrate and be centered at whatever tool it is practicing, and that in itself is sadhana.
Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan pravash ( જીવન પ્રવેશ )
Edition-2, Page 70-71
If someone asks " why should we consider a thief as a good person". To think that thief has only bad qualities is wrong. He also has traces of goodness and can also have good qualities and virtues. So when you think of him as a thief and touch that part of him; he also has negative feelings towards you. Even if you see these bad qualities in his nature; you must also see and appreciate his other good qualities. Only this will increase goodness in you. This training is our biggest asset.
If we think only goodness about others, no matter what others thinks of us, is the most positive force that can help in developing our spiritual life. So if we train our mind with this knowledge; than others will not have negative thoughts that can disturb the peace in our mind. It is important to keep mind centered, stopping it from going astray, and bring it back if goes astray. Pray in your heart and continue doing this experiment with complete awareness in your mind. True understanding and self confidence towards developing spiritual life comes from this experiment when done with inner knowledge and awareness. When this kind of self confidence develops, than only you can bring back the mind under control when it goes astray.
When we experiment with mind, we may get setbacks, yet it is never discouraging. When we have made a firm and irrevocable decision to do certain works ( develop spiritual life ) then any straying from the purpose should be an indication that mind is not centered and that position of mind is not conducive to the progress in sadhana. We must know and understand this by heart.
While performing any action, do not brood over too much. Whatever needs to be done, do it as an offering to God. Always work towards making mind carefree, content, peaceful and joyous so it can concentrate and be centered at whatever tool it is practicing, and that in itself is sadhana.
Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan pravash ( જીવન પ્રવેશ )
Edition-2, Page 70-71