Whenever we remember our loved ones, it evokes memory and emotions. We should use this emotions to do japa with live awareness of the purpose ( ભાવ ). Ordinarily we may not even realize to use this emotions as an instrument to increase this awareness of purpose and continue to be swept away in emotions and thoughts of loved ones. But we should use this emotions in appropriate manner and not get carried away. Consider this as using your sense of discretion ( વિવેક ). It is a kind of discretion when you don't get mixed up with the flow of thoughts, feelings and emotions, but stay above it and use it towards your own benefit. Of course there are various phases of discretion
When you have feeling of happiness use it to your own benefit. A merchant will go bankrupt if he uses up all of his capital. He will do well if he invests his profits back into his capital and conserves the capital. We should use this feeling of happiness in a similar manner.
Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan pagaran ( જીવન પગરણ )
Page 41
Compiled in Nirantar Vikas ( નિરંતર વિકાસ )
June 25

Thursday, January 27, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Qualities and measure of JAPA
1) Japa should be shortest.
2) It should not have hard consonants.
3) Best Japa is easiest to pronounce.
4) Sound has three centers
umbilical center
throat center
top of the head center
Japa with the words that touches and pierces all these centers is the ideal japa.
4) Japa should be co-ordinated either with breath or heart beat.
When japa is lively, effortless, permanent and continuous like the flow of Ganges water, then only it is very helpful to direct inner instruments ( mind, intelligence etc ) and soul towards appropriate aim. Continuity in the japa is very important in producing loving devotion that in turn will lead to higher consciousness. Japa is best done with happy flow of feelings and aspiration.
Mental japa is best, but beginners can not do it in mind. The reason being very nature of the mind, that knows only duality. The function of the mind is to be indecisive and argue either way since it works at the level of duality. It can not do anything but that. When practice of japa becomes lively, affectionate and directed towards divine then only effortless continuity ( અજપાજપ ) in japa is established in mind.
Nervous system in the body reacts to various actions and reactions producing different kind of vibration in it. Body in turn feels and reacts to these vibrations in variety of ways. Distraction and agitation is produced by intense feeling of love, anger, greed, infatuation, jealousy and ego. This distraction and agitation upsets the nervous system in variety of ways, producing instability, loss of balance and peace. Because of this loss of order and efficiency; balance and determination of the nervous system is compromised, resulting in diseases. If japa is done continuously and whole heartedly nervous system is toned up, producing peace, balance and equanimity. And when these qualities reach at the extreme in nervous system, there is a possibility of curing diseases of the body and nervous system. Because of this, it is very important to develop continuity and one pointedness in japa. When live awareness and dynamic continuity is established in japa, it prods the mind, intelligence, life force and ego towards it's appropriate goal and it is inspirational and creative in its action. Duality of the mind is reduced and psyche tends to be virtuous. This also creates a natural state of the being where sex and anger like qualities of life force (prana ) is automatically reduced. Balance is established in intelligence permanently. Ego now works to enhance knowledge of consciousness, instead of being busy with dualities and matters of daily life.
Pujya Shree Mota
Preface of Jivan smaransadhana
Compiled in Naam-Smaran
Edition 1, page 30-32
My two cents --
Japa works at the root cause of duelities in mind and calms the forces of prana like anger, sex, jealousy, greed and ego at the same time. It is very difficult, rather impossible to reduce these forces individually. Japa works on all at the same time. Pujya Shree Mota has clearly stated that in this difficult times there is no other safer and effective tool as naam-smaran ( japa ).
So try it . You have nothing to loose but your anger and greed.
1) Japa should be shortest.
2) It should not have hard consonants.
3) Best Japa is easiest to pronounce.
4) Sound has three centers
umbilical center
throat center
top of the head center
Japa with the words that touches and pierces all these centers is the ideal japa.
4) Japa should be co-ordinated either with breath or heart beat.
When japa is lively, effortless, permanent and continuous like the flow of Ganges water, then only it is very helpful to direct inner instruments ( mind, intelligence etc ) and soul towards appropriate aim. Continuity in the japa is very important in producing loving devotion that in turn will lead to higher consciousness. Japa is best done with happy flow of feelings and aspiration.
Mental japa is best, but beginners can not do it in mind. The reason being very nature of the mind, that knows only duality. The function of the mind is to be indecisive and argue either way since it works at the level of duality. It can not do anything but that. When practice of japa becomes lively, affectionate and directed towards divine then only effortless continuity ( અજપાજપ ) in japa is established in mind.
Nervous system in the body reacts to various actions and reactions producing different kind of vibration in it. Body in turn feels and reacts to these vibrations in variety of ways. Distraction and agitation is produced by intense feeling of love, anger, greed, infatuation, jealousy and ego. This distraction and agitation upsets the nervous system in variety of ways, producing instability, loss of balance and peace. Because of this loss of order and efficiency; balance and determination of the nervous system is compromised, resulting in diseases. If japa is done continuously and whole heartedly nervous system is toned up, producing peace, balance and equanimity. And when these qualities reach at the extreme in nervous system, there is a possibility of curing diseases of the body and nervous system. Because of this, it is very important to develop continuity and one pointedness in japa. When live awareness and dynamic continuity is established in japa, it prods the mind, intelligence, life force and ego towards it's appropriate goal and it is inspirational and creative in its action. Duality of the mind is reduced and psyche tends to be virtuous. This also creates a natural state of the being where sex and anger like qualities of life force (prana ) is automatically reduced. Balance is established in intelligence permanently. Ego now works to enhance knowledge of consciousness, instead of being busy with dualities and matters of daily life.
Pujya Shree Mota
Preface of Jivan smaransadhana
Compiled in Naam-Smaran
Edition 1, page 30-32
My two cents --
Japa works at the root cause of duelities in mind and calms the forces of prana like anger, sex, jealousy, greed and ego at the same time. It is very difficult, rather impossible to reduce these forces individually. Japa works on all at the same time. Pujya Shree Mota has clearly stated that in this difficult times there is no other safer and effective tool as naam-smaran ( japa ).
So try it . You have nothing to loose but your anger and greed.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
We have to develop and express lively and devotional goodness towards all religions, their main leaders, all good people and realized souls. And that is always good for our own interests. You will never have the awareness of the purpose without expressing goodness suffused with knowledge (જ્ઞાનયુકત સદભાવ ) towards all. If you cannot express equanimity towards all, or cannot generate energy towards that effort, then you must conclude that there is some defect in your sadhana. A genuine sadhak can never be narrow-minded and mean to anybody. If you cannot experience sympathy, generosity and broadmindedness towards opposing opinions, then it is not a living experiment of sadhana but a useless exercise in futility that takes you nowhere.
Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan sanshodhan ( જીવન સંશોધન )
Page 112
Compiled in Nirantar Vikas ( નિરંતર વિકાસ ) Jan 24
Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan sanshodhan ( જીવન સંશોધન )
Page 112
Compiled in Nirantar Vikas ( નિરંતર વિકાસ ) Jan 24
Thursday, January 6, 2011
As the trust and faith in God increases in devotee, he would definitely understand that his wealth is an indicative sign of the grace of God. He can help the needy with his wealth. If this is done with heartfelt awareness of the purpose then he will definitely be helped indirectly by the people who are helped by him. People who are helped in their very difficult life, received support and whose life is brightened in their darkest hour will have gratitude, good feeling and supportive behavior towards him. This in turn will increase his trust in God.
Ordinary person has to try very hard to reach the destination as he has to walk all the way. Some may travel by bullock cart or by train. By the grace of God, if you have the wealth and if you master the art of using the instrument of wealth in right and appropriate way, then you will reach the destination with the speed of a plane.
Pujya Shree Mota
Dhanano yog ( ધનનો યોગ )
Page - 19
Compiled in Nirantar Vikas ( નિરતંર વિકાસ ) May 25
Ordinary person has to try very hard to reach the destination as he has to walk all the way. Some may travel by bullock cart or by train. By the grace of God, if you have the wealth and if you master the art of using the instrument of wealth in right and appropriate way, then you will reach the destination with the speed of a plane.
Pujya Shree Mota
Dhanano yog ( ધનનો યોગ )
Page - 19
Compiled in Nirantar Vikas ( નિરતંર વિકાસ ) May 25