Thursday, January 27, 2011


Whenever we remember our loved ones, it evokes memory and emotions. We should use this emotions to do japa with live awareness of the purpose ( ભાવ ). Ordinarily we may not even realize to use this emotions as an instrument to increase this awareness of purpose and continue to be swept away in emotions and thoughts of loved ones. But we should use this emotions in appropriate manner and not get carried away. Consider this as using your sense of discretion ( વિવેક ). It is a kind of discretion when you don't get mixed up with the flow of thoughts, feelings and emotions, but stay above it and use it towards your own benefit. Of course there are various phases of discretion

When you have feeling of happiness use it to your own benefit. A merchant will go bankrupt if he uses up all of his capital. He will do well if he invests his profits back into his capital and conserves the capital. We should use this feeling of happiness in a similar manner.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan pagaran ( જીવન પગરણ )
Page 41
Compiled in Nirantar Vikas ( નિરંતર વિકાસ )
June 25