Thursday, August 4, 2011


( continued )

One may ask " Is this closeness to the saint futile and useless if transformation of the soul does not occur". Effects of this closeness always leaves impressions ( સંસ્કાર ) on psyche ( ચિત્ત ), just like the ordinary worldly experiences do. These impressions from the saint will definitely express itself in future. At the present time, the force of the impressions from karma and fate is very strong and he follows these, due to ignorance. Because of this, impressions of the saint lays dormant in the psyche and does not express itself, at this particular time. Just as the spirit of God is omnipresent and yet we do not feel it's effect, the impressions from the saint also lays dormant, without any effect at the time.

If he makes a lively effort with mindfulness and knowledge, then these impressions left from the closeness of the saint will manifest and definitely act as a great inspirations for him. He will gain some benefit, even if he finds himself being swept in the currents and forces of karma and fate. His understanding of the events in life gets clearer, and he learns to differentiate between higher and lower quality of life. He may not be able to act on these, but this will be definitely expressed in his understanding and higher intelligence. At the least, these impressions from the saint will easily be expressed in his next life. So these closeness of the saint will be beneficial to him, one way or the other.

When and how to take advantage of this, is up to us.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan darshan ( જીવન દર્શન )
Edition 3: page 93.
                                                                                           ( continued )