Thursday, April 12, 2012


                                                            Hari om

24th July, 1942.

From the view point of elemental reality there is no difference between activity and completion of activity. God takes care of us once we completely surrender to Him. He gives us new insight and understanding of the experiences, good or bad meaning pleasant or unpleasant and in the process helps us take baby steps. There are always innumerable tests and critical evaluations to measure patience and faith in us during this process. We need to embrace Him with our heart constantly, while surrendering at the same time. In addition we should offer all these " struggle " at His feet. In fact it is not struggle at all. Just as needle is automatically pulled towards the magnet once it comes within the limit of the magnet, once we embrace and surrender to Him, there is effortless progress.

By offering and narrating all that spring up in us ( all difficulties, all thoughts and all emotions pertaining to our outer and inner being ) in this way, we continue to be empty. We get deeper in this offering and try to get near Him with increasing bhava in us. We let go off of any and all the ideas about Him and become like a blank paper and only be a witness to whatever is inscribed in this blank paper. In this way we erase all the old impressions from our mind. Only when we become naked ( pious and clean ) in front of Him, then only true divine consciousness will descend in us and penetrate with tremendous force.

We are insignificant and will never know how and when He develops us. So once we surrender, trust Him and perform any karma that comes in your way without any worry or concern. We need not worry about activity or completion of activity.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Manthan ( જીવનમંથન )
Edition 3; pages 25 - 26.