Thursday, April 25, 2013

INTUITION (સ્ફુરણા)

Swajan :  "How do we get intuition?"

Pujya Shree Mota :  When there is an unsolved problem it lies in our subconscious mind. Since we are busy with our daily lives it may not have received enough attention. We may think about it from time to time. After a while this thinking also stops. Intuition then springs up from the subconscious mind with the solution of the unsolved  problem.

Aspiration springs up in a developed soul. Intuition does not develop from love and devotion but it results from the churning of the thoughts. Subconscious mind is deeper than the sea and is very powerful. Experienced people mention that the strength of subconscious mind is thousands of times more than we recognize and understand. Parapsychologists also say that it is a big storage place of knowledge and energy. According to them there is a science to enter in this vast subconscious mind.

Most of our thinking is in the superficial mind. It touches the subconscious mind when it is an emotional and complicated problem. Subconscious mind grabs hold of this complicated and emotional problem. After a while we tend to forget the issue and get busy with our daily lives. The problem seems to be forgotten or at least the intensity appears to be less. We may be aware of the problem if it affected us personally. In any case the intensity gets milder with time. Opposite happens in subconscious mind and the problem gets a lot more attention. As a result intuition develops.

Swajan : You told us that the depth of subconscious mind is immense. It needs all kinds of information to solve the problem. Is the subconscious mind spread all over the world?

Pujya Shree Mota :  Yes, it is. The world and the totality of the society has subconscious mind. Our mind gets all the information from this vast subconscious mind as it is attached to it. We do not understand its working but it can get all the needed information. It does not think about pros and cons of the solution but the result is expressed as intuition. When there is real intuition man does not think much about it  but follows the intuition. Some people do not even know that they had an intuition. People who have tried to understand this intuition may have some understanding about it.

Pujya Shree Mota
Joda - jod
Edition 1; pages 32 - 33.