Thursday, April 24, 2014


The letter that I am writing you today is for the purpose of explaining the attacks on the essence of guru-tradition by a good, polite and knowledgable man. This is appropriate. The whole idea behind the tradition was to develop one's life. This tradition over the period of time became useless and full of falsehood. Any one with true knowledge will be sad at this kind of degeneration of the tradition. It is very appropriate to attack this degenerated tradition. It may cleanse the tradition and it is a kind of cleansing-yagna.

At the same time acceptance of guru as a tool is not useless if it is used to develop unadulterated  practical knowledge in life and accepted with love, devotion and knowledge. It is also a matter undeniable experience that if used properly one can gain knowledge. If not used for it's defined purpose the tool will not be useful. The use of bhavna of guru is for the uplifting and developing one's life. We should think twice about the guru-bhavna if there is absence of its usefulness in our lives. It is also important to examine ourselves regarding its appropriate use by us. Sometimes it is our fault if we fail to use it appropriately. This tradition of guru has led to inertia and laziness in the society. It should not happen this way if tradition is followed in the right way. The understanding and problems of life have not changed and have remained the same. So the attacks on guru tradition is very appropriate.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan pokar
Edition 4; pages 128 - 129.

My two cents --
This letter is addressed to one of the devotees. This devotee earlier wrote to Pujya Shree Mota regarding a very knowledgable and good hearted person attacking guru-devotion and she wanted some kind of explanation.

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Just as we need to be tested when we understand, observe and analyze ourselves with equanimity, testing is also necessary to propel us forward. Lots of people have mentioned that times are hard to bear when one undergoes testing. Just as one fights in the battlefield with vigor and intensity and develops a kind of focused attention, there develops similar focused attention in the deserving sadhak who is undergoing the testing. Nothing gets sharpened without this testing. It is necessary to test the appropriateness of the development in one's life. It is not possible to judge the strength of one's life without these tests. It is a measure of the real worth of the sadhak when life becomes luminous, bright
and full of energy at the time of testing. Testing is a step for the progress in the life. It is also true that the testing is a time for the examination, struggle and mental gloom. It is never a period of repentance, sorrow or infatuations. In fact true sadhak becomes more alert and aware. Testing is not a maze but an eye opener, developer of love, devotion, bhavna and force for development. It is also an instrument to propel us forward in the path. If we accept this times of testing with love and devotion and act with the awareness of its purpose, we will definitely shine.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Manthan
Edition 3; page 258 - 259.

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Lots of people help me and do my work. Even though these works are done with love this soul may not be able to reciprocate. Some souls feel that we do so much work for him and yet he does not appreciate or reciprocate our work or help. Some even go to the extent of saying" he goes to some people's homes and never comes to ours,""' he receives some with love and yet he does not understand us ". Different souls have different kind of thoughts and comparisons in their mind regarding this soul.

Nobody should respect or honor this soul. He never asks for anything. Do not do his work and if you really want to do it then only do it, keeping in your mind that the sole purpose is your own life's development. No body should expect any returns from this soul. Do not keep any mental expectation that since we did this for him, he should reciprocate in certain fashion. I request this to all my swajans who have come in my contact by the grace of God.

I will not feel bad if no one calls on me and there is no expectation for this association in my heart  either. By the grace of God our ways are awkward. We do not follow the notion that we must reciprocate the works done for us. Some people say that we do so much for mota and yet he never listens to us. Some times they even use harsh language and utter inappropriate words.

Any soul that feels that way should stop completely associating with us. Only souls that feel our association will help them to progress in their lives and that also with knowledge and concrete experiences, should associate with us. If you want to embrace then do it with conviction and not just for namesake. Association for namesake is not only futile but can be troublesome.

So all of you need to do the things for yourselves. If we ask you to do anything for us then you have the right to scorn us. If you exercise that right, we will still love you and be joyous.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Sopan
from the preface
Edition 3; page 9 - 10.

Thursday, April 3, 2014


One who wants to be a successful sadhak must know one's self completely. Bhagawan always gives appropriate circumstances so one can see one's inner self clearly just as one can see one's physical self clearly in the mirror. One can also change one's inner self if one wishes, since one can see it clearly. There will be many such incidents and it will be always beneficial if one learns from it.

We have lots of untangled knots in our mind that cannot stay hidden for long. If we fail to disentangle these knots from its very nature, these knots will get tighter and tighter with newer and different incidents. Know for sure that if we continue to see, observe and understand these incidents with old hardened knots in our mind, there will never be happiness in our lives.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Manthan
Edition 3; page 190 - 191.