Thursday, June 5, 2014

HEARTFELT OPEN- MINDEDNESS (ઉદાર માનસ) ---(1).

Just as grace is a  subtle thread binding God and a human being, heartfelt open-mindedness is equally subtle thread binding human beings. Grace of God and heartfelt open-mindedness are the two sides of the same coin. These two are the forms of the same love that permeates in God, humans and universe.

Love descends in earthly life in the form of open-mindedness. One person can love the other person only when he is willingly to accept different characteristics, strangeness and even perverted and aversion producing personality in other person. This is possible only if that person is open-minded about the other person. Open-mindedness is not possible without the love. In this way they are inter dependent.  To understand, know and experience the love and let the heart immerse and be one with love in the end, heartfelt open-mindedness and eagerness to bear any and every thing of your loved ones is an inevitable necessity. We must understand the real need for increasing our capacity to bear and subsequently gain the sense of instant comprehension to act in an appropriate way. This results in opening of newer visions and newer universes and we experience as if we are born again in theoretical sense. In this fashion the practice of open-mindedness and tolerance creates  a new life in our subtle bodies and begins the process of removal of our element of inertia. It drives out our narrow mental assumptions, selfishness and mental attachments. It makes our lives happy and worthwhile. It reduces the forces of emotions and in this fashion lessens the pressure in our gross and subtle channels. It produces this happy and beneficial effects on us and at the same times it also beneficial to the people surrounding us. In this way we become the oasis of happiness, peace and well being. We become the instrument of God in His divine purpose by being tolerant and this betterment in us is in proportion to our development of tolerance.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Sandesh
Edition 3; page 116 - 117.