Thursday, October 8, 2015


Sadhak will definitely have some idea regarding the bad habits of his servants. Even though improving the lives of his servants may not be of prime importance, he should never neglect that aspect. He should never act inappropriately and get angry at them for wrong reasons. It is our meanness to believe that servants has to be working all the time and that they should never be without the work. Servants have the feelings too and they may need the rest at times. In most places servants do not get to sleep till the main person goes to bed. Thoughtful person will always think that servants need minimum of seven hours of sleep. A servant will have feeling of goodness towards us only if we show the goodness from our heart at the time of his sickness by allowing him to rest, arranging for the medicines and making his life easier. To act this way is our duty. If someone is very particular regarding the way house needs to be arranged and one servant cannot manage it, he should make arrangement to hire another one. If he cannot do that for economical reasons then he should give only appropriate amount of work to the servant. There is a belief in some rich families that we should be very strict with the servants and that they should be fearful of us. This is pure ignorance. The servant may work for us because of need and circumstances but he will never have goodwill and love in his heart if we behave with this kind of harshness towards him. How bad will we feel if someone acts with this kind of harshness towards us in similar situation? We must think about it.

Eventually sadhak will stop treating him as a servant and keep the bhavna (attitude) as if the servant is his own relative. Sadhak should never fear or doubt that the servant will take advantage of his good behavior when his own actions are directed by goodwill, knowledge and understanding. His complete satisfaction lies in the fact that all of his actions were appropriate from all the angles and directed with goodness.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Sandesh
Edition 3; page 203 - 205.

My two cents --  This is only part of the ideas Pujya Shree Mota expressed in the letter written in August 1943.