Thursday, October 20, 2016


Swajan : Mota, you tell us to like and being affectionate to our relatives and aquaitances to create, develop and increase goodness and loving kindness (સદ્ભાવ). Please explain this to us so we can better understand it.

Pujya Shree Mota : We want to like and be affectionate to others with our hearts and in our hearts. There cannot be any preconditions in our sincerity to be affectionate. If there is any such pre conditions demanded then there will be a great defect in our endeavor. Only open and free heart can truly be affectionate. There is freedom for us and the persons towards whom we want to be affectionate when there is true spirit of affection.

To like and be affectionate means two hearts (with true spirit and intentions) get to meet, know, be one, be intimate and dissolve in each other. It is only possible to have hearts of both to be in this spirit of loving kindness in spite of having different personality and in different directions of life, when they have true intensions that results in spirit of equality with goodness. This spirit of loving kindness results from such intense desire to love other person with open and sincere heart. The initial level of loving kindness develops from such liking and being affectionate. It is not possible to develop such loving kindness without first having sincere affection of the heart. It is possible to reduce attachments and jealousy with such affection of the heart. There is no place for any expectations or wishes in such affection. I sincerely wish from my heart and pray that we always keep our affection by paying focused, living, active and constant attention to it.  

Pujya Shree Mota
Muktatma No Premsparsh
Edition 4; pages 117 - 118.