Thursday, November 1, 2018


When we try to go above the mind and senses, our intellect tries to act perversely with full force. All our perceived opinions, insistences and other misleading arguments come in forefront and sometimes it leads to unbelievable confusion. We need to approach this with equanimity (evenhandedness, Samataa, સમતા) at all the times. We need to use the equanimity to go within. Many things need to be evaluated at these times using our equanimity. We need to figure out the real purpose and meaning of the arguments of intellect and where it is leading us, whether it is useful to us for our works or not; are we leading it or it is leading us, without being influenced by anything. We can never go within without equanimity.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Pagaran
Edition 3; Page 237.