Thursday, August 22, 2019


Sadhana's everlasting path is very narrow. In the beginning it is even clouded with deep darkness. It cannot be comprehended and one may stay in that situation. There is pressure from all the sides and sadhak does not have any idea regarding dealing with these problems. At this point sadhak who has living and creative faith in the goal of life, just does not sit with despair. He prays to his God within for grace-help with unbearable pain and with broken heart. The strength of the prayer is known to the one who has experienced it. It is like "when there is a fire in the house and he is trapped within, he struggles to be free from the fire with unbearable anguish and at that time he prays and cries out with distress". Soul that prays with such intensity and spirit experiences the help at that very time. The soul that experiences such help, never believes that he is alone or helpless anytime. The works in the dealings with the society is an essential tool for the development of the life. With that understanding in heart and with the spirit of yagna (offering all the time), we need to offer the works at the feet of the God. At such times when there are problems, difficulties, troubles and interferences express confidence with head held high, never give in, be more forceful and illuminated with brightness. In your heart and with the heart wake up the one who supports our lives, by the prayers in the heart and get the visible support of the one who is merciful. When that happens we will be peaceful and worry free for ever.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Murm
Edition 2; Pages 50 - 51.