Thursday, September 5, 2019


Dayarambhai* has sung in one of his bhajans "If mind selects mind as its own guru, it will find true thing". In this poem he has shown the right key of the sadhana. We need to make mind as its own guru. How is that possible? One may ask. Mind tries to trap us in its fancy, imaginations, flights, thoughts, vrutties and feelings. Mind that is awakened can always help the lower level mind from being swept in its currents. Our mind is awakened when there is tremendous eagerness and desire for progress in the sadhana for spiritual development of life. In spite of this old impressions that are suppressed spring up and at that time awakened mind hints at and draws attention to it. Awakened mind can warn and prepare us to change the direction also. This experience is also a fact in the path of spiritual development.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Darshan
Edition 8 ; Pages 248 - 249.