Thursday, June 18, 2020


Human beings have dislike and fear for death, the reason being the mental attitude of aversion towards any change. Human beings like to stay in the same condition without the change as long as it is possible. Death comes in opposition to this wish. We know that whole universe is changing all the time, even then we want to keep our surrounding same without change. In this situation death is the unavoidable revolutionary change. Human being cannot welcome this appropriate change even though there is a definite purpose of his well being in it. How can a human being tolerate sudden and complete disappearance in an instant, of his well planned situations where he has spent so much of his time and energy and has taken all kind of pleasure and entertained wishes? We cannot tolerate when things that we took interest in and created attachment to its fullest, and thought that this is all yours has changed according to natural order of the things. It is real ignorance and blindness in not accepting the true and unavoidable constant change in the universe. This kind of situation results from forgetting the true nature of the things and taking interest in the whimsical and imaginary world created by the structure of bones and skin.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Sandesh
Edition 4; Pages 236 - 237.