Thursday, December 24, 2020


 Life is not a dark well or strong wind of the hurricane. There is continuity in the weaving the web of life, even in the most difficult circumstances of the life. A soul is put in, any and all the circumstances that is needed to weave the web of the continuity of the life of the soul. At that time, there is not enough awakening in the heart of the human being; as a result each incident and circumstance is viewed as separate incident. If  there is awakening of the inner eye of the understanding, there is a lot to understand and experience. There is a purpose of building life in every incident. Soul is fulfilled at that time, if there is a realization of the real purpose of the particular incident. We can experience a lot, if we think with the balanced attitude (equanimity); why did certain incident happened and what kind of the key of understanding we received? 

Some people say that life is a puzzle and to some, it appears as problem of the people. Others consider it as a  mysterious incident. Sometimes back, I had seen a lock with letters like A, B, C, D on it. If we arrange the letters in a certain way and then turn the key, the lock will open easily.  Lock will not open if the letters are not arranged appropriately. It is easy to open the lock by anyone with the knowledge of the correct placement of the letters. So in the mind of the person with knowledge it is an easy matter. It will be real difficult to open the lock for someone who does not know the key to open the lock. This applies to the above stated facts. 

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Sopan

Edition 3; Pages 59 - 60.