Thursday, April 14, 2022

Weed (remove) the obstacles in the mind

 Difficult and critical events have not occurred in your life. What will happen if they do? How will we fare? So, we must gain as much strength as possible right now or else how will we face such critical times? During such critical times, many have felt that it is better to quit this path of development of life. Therefore, we must continue to understand our thoughts, tendencies, and emotions and weed all those that seem unacceptable. This 'Yagna' of purifying our mind must continue. So far, we have not mastered the art of living life in such a way. It is a prayer that by God's blessings we have knowledge and awareness to develop such an art in our life.

My sister! It will not do any good to sit around without any hope. Life is not given without any purpose! Life is for enlightenment. So, get up, be aware, begin to fight the war, gain the strength and be on the way.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Sopan

Edition 3; Page 128.