Thursday, August 25, 2022


 There is one doctor couple in Nadiad. They come to Ashram regularly at 6:30 in the morning. They asked me a question 'What is the need to find Chetan? Everything around us is Chetan. The things we do like speak, taste and work, etc., exist because of the Chetan. So, why should we make all these efforts to find it?' 

I asked them, 'Do not you experience friction, regrets, pain, misery, and troubles while dealing with the Sansar? You still like to be happy. Would not you like to be happy for ever? So, we should make efforts to experience genuine happiness that does not leave in spite of misery. Time became an obstacle when great souls tried to experience continuous genuine happiness. They invented tools to shorten the time to achieve happiness for ever. That kind of sadhana exists even today but no one is ready to do it. The reason being, the need to achieve complete purification of the Chitta before sadhana.

We have anger, etc., for eternity and it has an impact. That must go. So they thought of Chetan. I explained to doctor couple this way. This thought is from experience and not just whim. Any one who is ready to offer the life can achieve it. I asked them 'can everyone do this?' I thought so and for that reason, I  established the Ashram.

Pujya Shree Mota

Maun Mandir no Murm

Edition 3; Pages 60 - 61.