Thursday, September 15, 2022


 There is creative, inspirational and natural 'Power-Art' (propensity) in the Chetan (consciousness) that powers all the elements and instruments within us. Transformation and sublimation of elements and instruments is possible because of Chetan. There are changes taking place, no matter where we look. There is always new creation and change. This 'Power-Art' propels and powers everything by its inspirational force into the activities according to their nature. The same nature is also present (naturally) even in the most inert substances. Even if we seem to perform our daily activities routinely, the inspirational element behind it is always the 'Power-Art of the Chetan. It is possible for us to continue with our routine daily activities because of that characteristic of Chetan. Without it, we will not be able to sleep, have appetite or able to do other activities. Chetan keeps pushing us, with or without our knowledge.

There is presence of two opposite forces of the same element within us. These are two visible forms (that can be experienced) of the same element. Outward and in front is the Jiva full of desires and wishes, makes an effort to gain pleasure from ownership and pleasure out of physical things. The other one in the background is hidden or almost hidden from the first one. It is the Jivatma with pure collection of the experiences of the ultimate reality (God, Divine) centered within us. In the end, it shines as the original form of the ultimate reality. Afterwards He is everything, does everything and whatever happens is Him.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Pravesh

Edition 3; Pages 238 - 240.