Thursday, September 28, 2023


 Battle is unavoidable in sadhana. We need to keep our mind, intellect etc, in higher Bhavna. Many kind of thoughts, vrutties, feelings, reasons for incitements, incidents of clashes etc, will happen for sure, but if we  keep enormous awareness and do not form chain of thoughts at that time and try to keep Samata, Tatasthata with awareness and knowledge, we can learn to separate from Prakruti and Nature.


Wherever there is life, there is also presence of its expression and these expressions are of many kinds. Sometimes the life is expressed  through language-speech-word. Sometimes it is expressed through actions-dealings, sometimes through Bhavna-feelings and sometimes through Bhava of silence. Human being has many hidden desires, hopes, wishes, covetousness etc, and these can spring up and express at anytime. Sadhak needs to accept his habits, opinions, understandings, insistences, other's opinions, defects, bad habits, hopes, desires, anger, greed, infatuations etc., This acceptance is done so that sadhak can control them. Acceptance is to go above it. If sadhak keeps on accepting his negative Prakruti and nature for no reason and continuous to perform work, there is a possibility that there may be increase in his negative Prakruti and nature. So the acceptance is to get rid of them. There are many ways and methods to face Prakruti. Prakruti must be faced with composure, quietude and without getting upset about it. Know for sure that if there is loss of composure and quietude, there will be prolongation of the situation. For this reason, be more firm in such situations. Increase the strength of determination and make it lively and creative. Contemplate about life. Everyone else are not different but they are the extensions of our own original form. Whatever needs to be seen in others need to be seen in ourselves. 

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Part 1, 

Edition 1, Pages 307 - 308.