Thursday, February 1, 2024


 Raga means attachment and Vairagya means non-attachment or detachment.

Whatever karmas (work) come or coming our ways, and that also appropriate karmas, are the only karmas we need to do. These karmas need to be done with detachment. This does not mean that these karmas are done without interest and feelings. There should be no attachment regarding the result while performing the work. Moreover, we do the work with responsibility and our limitations for that work. We should continue to do work as it comes, without constant thinking, before and after the work. There should be no hesitancy and confusion in the mind. Whatever work comes our way, do it at that time and do not let it linger in the mind. As we do our work in this manner with understanding and detachment, we will be filled with Joy and intoxication of Vairagya. If some people say that we should take interest in other things while performing work, let them do that. There should be no contrariwise Bhava in our mind for them. We can go within (means being conscious of within as opposed to constantly taking interest in external world) only if we take interest in one only, the reason being our mind, senses, intellect, and chitta accept things in the same way as it receives. This means, if we keep interest in one only, senses, intellect and chitta will start taking interest in one (Shree Bhagwan). Then only it is possible to achieve 'going within' of the mind. When the life is lived with such vision, vruttie and tendency then the life lived is called life with detachments.  

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Part 1

Edition 1, Pages 337 - 338.