Thursday, May 23, 2024


Infinite is in one and one is in infinite. We are spread thin outside in infinite. We have to look away meaning we need to be one from infinite. So, if infinite is our tool, we can be one using it as a tool. Wherever Vruttie (inclination of mind) turns outside us, we should be alert. We should gather and collect the Vruttie, and try to turn it back  within us. We gain a lot from such practice if we make an effort with alertness and awareness. 

Vision and vruttie of the life are engaged with the world on the outside. We need to gather it and turn it back within us. We will realize our's and other's true form only when we can be within our heart with heart. We have to know our true form first and leave nothing to find it.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan yog, Edition 1,

Part 2, Excerpts from Pages 52 - 53.