Thursday, July 18, 2024


 When we try to go above our mind and senses, intellect tries to cause havoc with full force. Our believed opinions, our insistences and other such delusional arguments will come to forefront and will take us for an unbelievable ride. We need to keep Samata at that time. We should use Samata to go within. Just as we need balance to weigh something, we should use Samata  continuously in deciding many questions raised by intellect e.g. What is the meaning of its original purpose and ripples? Where does intellect leading us? Whether the answers are proper for us or not? We guide it or it guides us.? Without Samata, we can never 'go within'.

We lose real wealth in proportion to we staying out in external world. When we stay in external world, internal force that we have gathered dissipates just like river is full of water when it floods and becomes just as before after the flood. So if we keep on staying outwards. our inner activities will never become constant, deep and flowing like river Ganges. So we should not use expressed Aananda (genuine happiness) of the heart in talking with others and in some distracting work. It should be used for our intended work. 

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Edition 1,

Part 2, Page 58.