Thursday, November 28, 2024


 If the Jiva gets lost, confused, embarrassed, perplexed, restless and very saddened, know that the Jiva is full of ego. Jiva feels this way because ego of Jiva gets this kind of blows. 

If the Jiva is proud of the skills even a little bit, consider Jiva dead. This does not mean that Jiva should carry out the work in half-hazard manner.

When something good happens or there is better understanding of something or received best kind of reward in dealings of the world, is it unknown for us when brother-mind (satire used for the mind) gets filled with happiness? We cheat ourselves in many ways. We must figure out with alertness, when and where this happens and pay attention to make sure that it never happens again. 

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Edition 1,

Part 1, Pages 363 - 364

Thursday, November 21, 2024


 We continue to be bound in the grips of any and certain understandings because of ego. We continue to be in the grips of a kind of 'MINE' (મમત્વ) due to ego. Ego binds us in the Jiva-Prakruti. Ego is the root cause of Prakruti. It also binds us in Duality. It also pervades even at the level of Gunas.

Extreme subtleness of Ego

As we continue our journey of Sadhana, it becomes necessary for us to go deeper in our understanding of the ego. It becomes very difficult for us to recognize hiding places of ego. Only when we develop living and creative practice to observe and analyze with knowledge; our thoughts, speech, behavior, and work, we are able to understand which direction our ego takes us, not before that. Before that there is lots of ego hidden in what we consider as our faultless behavior, speech, thoughts and feelings. We have no understanding about it. So we think that we do not have any ego. 

We have no comprehension regarding how to disengage from difficult knots of thoughts (fixed ideas and unwilling to change) that are created from ordinary and simple matter because of 'I AM' (due to such understanding at that time). Ego plays a big role in maintaining and keeping alive many kinds of beliefs, understanding, habits and insistences. It is not possible to solve the problems of many fixed ideas and beliefs due to ego. 

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Edition 1,

Part 1, Page 363.

Thursday, November 14, 2024


 If someone asks us to do some work, we immediately tend to give suggestions to improve the work. This suggestions may be of best kind to improve the quality of the work but it is not proper for us to just drop suggestions. In general, if we enter (take interest) in someone else's work, knowingly or unknowingly we tend to make suggestions. It is also one kind of ego to make such suggestions. 

There are many coverings that come in the way in the development of life. There is no other covering stronger and subtler than ego. There are many people who try to identify the ego and make an effort to remove it. After making such effort, sometimes they say that 'they do not have ego anymore'. But this is an illusion. Element of an Ego tends to lessen late in Sadhana. Just as ego in Jiva-state is a negative element, it is helpful if we use it as a tool in sublimating  our life higher in early part of the Sadhana. Influence of obstructive element of ego is present even in the unimaginable higher stages of Sadhana. For this reason, it is best if we accept incidents where ego is given many blows, with awareness and knowledge of the purpose of such blows (to sublimate the ego). Ego takes on many shapes and sizes. As there is development and expression of higher and highest stages of life, at such times ego changes its form to be subtle and subtler. Ego may seem to be broken and scattered  with its head cut off but at such times new heads appear  and its appearance also takes different form. It is also a matter of solid experience that in obvious humility, there is hidden ego to a great degree. It is very difficult to understand such subtle moves and art of the ego. At this stage, Sadhana is also progressing continuously with true Bhavna. When there is continuity and completeness of the Bhavna of Sadhana, Vivek (sense of discretion) springs up. This Vivek is so subtle that we are able to catch ego and by the grace of God, give it a proper form.

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Edition 1,

Part 1, Pages 362 - 363.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

EGO - (2)

 There are three kinds of ego : Satwik, Rajsik and Tamsik. Satwik kind of ego is necessary for the Shreyarthy (one who knows one's own ultimate good). There is less of fault in performance of Karma keeping Satwik ego. 

One who has lessened the ego will let the incidents unfold without any interruption. One will not interfere even if the Karma is done in bad way. One will tell after the Karma is done. The reason being the person by whom the Karma is done in bad way, will perform the work same ways without regards to one's opinion. Even then it is the duty of the one to tell. At the same time, one must have the awareness that ego is not present in the background behind such telling. 

Anything that exists is because of ego. Bhava is also supported by ego but this part of the ego is of divine nature. It is a part of Chetan. Expression of Atma or Chetan is ego. Such expression is Bhava. 

Ego itself is a form of Shakti (energy). It also propels us downwards. It is energy that performs lower category of Karmas. Intelligence, wisdom, cleverness etc., are also present because of ego. Existence of the Gunas is also because of ego. Bhava is a higher condition than ego. Bhava is formless while Gunas are with form. 

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Part 1

Edition 1, Page 361.