Thursday, November 21, 2024


 We continue to be bound in the grips of any and certain understandings because of ego. We continue to be in the grips of a kind of 'MINE' (મમત્વ) due to ego. Ego binds us in the Jiva-Prakruti. Ego is the root cause of Prakruti. It also binds us in Duality. It also pervades even at the level of Gunas.

Extreme subtleness of Ego

As we continue our journey of Sadhana, it becomes necessary for us to go deeper in our understanding of the ego. It becomes very difficult for us to recognize hiding places of ego. Only when we develop living and creative practice to observe and analyze with knowledge; our thoughts, speech, behavior, and work, we are able to understand which direction our ego takes us, not before that. Before that there is lots of ego hidden in what we consider as our faultless behavior, speech, thoughts and feelings. We have no understanding about it. So we think that we do not have any ego. 

We have no comprehension regarding how to disengage from difficult knots of thoughts (fixed ideas and unwilling to change) that are created from ordinary and simple matter because of 'I AM' (due to such understanding at that time). Ego plays a big role in maintaining and keeping alive many kinds of beliefs, understanding, habits and insistences. It is not possible to solve the problems of many fixed ideas and beliefs due to ego. 

Pujya Shree Mota

Jivan Yog, Edition 1,

Part 1, Page 363.