Devotee : What are the distinguishing characteristics of BHAVNA? How do I know when it is being expressed in me?
Pujya Shree Mota : You will know the true measure of BHAVNA only when you experience the incidents where your mind and heart gets jolted and stumbled. BHAVNA is never static. It moves us forward and helps us to stay in higher consciousness. When there is heartfelt and predominant manifestation of BHAVNA in the heart, certain positive characteristics ( ગુણ ) develop. Because of that, peace and happiness of mind is not disturbed when faced with incidents, that are mind-shattering and painful, in the eyes and understanding of society. And this is not because of any weakness, helplessness or being forced into against one's will. We should accept these incidents with heartfelt affection and maintain mind's attitude in constructive and right manner. This is, what is needed.
Pujya Shree Mota
Dhan no yog; ( ધનનો યોગ )
Edition-1; page 124 - 125
My two cents ---
In one of his books Pujya Shree Mota mentions BHAVNA as being above the mind. One can experience it only when mind has certain quietude.
In my understanding, that there are various interpretations of BHAVNA like living awareness of purpose, aspiration for the divine, divine love , etc.

Thursday, March 31, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
If the soul ( જીવ ) cannot be alert and mindful, effort is going to be halfhearted and imperfect. It may become inattentive and less vigilant, thus loosing its way and direction. At this stage the soul has not developed the inner strength to prevent this from happening. This kind of soul needs to do NAAM-SMARAN and pray to God for His grace and help, so that he can be free from his defects and it's deleterious effects in his life. At the same time he needs to make a sincere effort to be alert and mindful. This soul has no reason to loose courage, as it is making an effort with heartfelt sincerity and honesty. This soul may fall or rise repeatedly in life but in the process, experiences glimpses of true meaning of life. By the grace of God the soul learns to rise and stand tall, from these struggles of life and overcoming it by enormous effort. You should unequivocally know that only by making a sincere effort, can the dawn ( understanding ) of life will manifest.
We should avoid pettiness in our feelings, repeating the same thoughts, clinging and immersing ourselves in these kind of activities. The only thing that you need to cling and immerse is NAAM-SMARAN, keeping it's live awareness in the heart at all times.
Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan pokar ( જીવનપોકાર )
Edition 4; page 15 and 167
We should avoid pettiness in our feelings, repeating the same thoughts, clinging and immersing ourselves in these kind of activities. The only thing that you need to cling and immerse is NAAM-SMARAN, keeping it's live awareness in the heart at all times.
Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan pokar ( જીવનપોકાર )
Edition 4; page 15 and 167
Thursday, March 17, 2011
We can benefit only if the eye of discretion makes us instantaneously aware and decide about variety of inner and outer happenings ( before mistakes and defects manifest ). Otherwise it is like locking the stable after the horses are bolted. I have heard people say about improprieties of their actions about various matters after the fact and accept the responsibility about the wrongdoing. It is possible that one may have understood the incident and accepted the responsibility in mind and intelligence, yet there is no sting or pain felt deep in heart. If we feel the pain of this sting, and understand the impropriety of our actions every time, then this wound gets deeper and deeper, producing a kind of awareness at that moment. This awareness in turn wakes you up right at that moment. Again it is not of much help or use, if you feel the sting but do not wake up at that moment. Our intelligence is alerted and awakened by this kind of awareness. This awakening of intelligence, in turn develops the sense of discretion.
If you feel the inappropriateness of your actions or speech, then you should not keep thinking about it, although at times it may be helpful. This inappropriateness must produce heartfelt pain and sting in your heart. It is meaningful only if this heartfelt pain is translated into proper and appropriate actions in our lives. Then only it is worthwhile.
Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan pokar ( જીવનપોકાર )
Edition 4; pages165-166
If you feel the inappropriateness of your actions or speech, then you should not keep thinking about it, although at times it may be helpful. This inappropriateness must produce heartfelt pain and sting in your heart. It is meaningful only if this heartfelt pain is translated into proper and appropriate actions in our lives. Then only it is worthwhile.
Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan pokar ( જીવનપોકાર )
Edition 4; pages165-166
Thursday, March 10, 2011
I see many people, coming to me for years, getting bogged down in superfluous and trivial matters. It is hypocritical to remember God for one or two hours in this situation. This kind of attitude will not improve or elevate the quality of naam-smaran ( reciting God's name and remembering Him ). Even people possessed with anger and excessive sexual desires ( કામી ) can improve themselves, but hypocrites cannot. Hypocrisy produces a kind of curtain that is impossible to lift or see through. The process of hypocrisy is so deep and mysterious that it creates an atmosphere in which a person is convinced of his or her truthfulness. People with anger can realize their mistakes, but for hypocrites it is impossible to lift the curtain of falsehood and see the truth.
If we always think of "me" and "mine" and are guided by our nature, then remembering God has no meaning. It is not going to be useful and in fact will increase hypocrisy. This results in a more spoiled and polluted society. You should always try to understand this and think about ways to improve and elevate the quality of naam-smaran.
Pujya Shree Mota
Maun mandirno murm ( મૌનમંદિરનો મમૅ )
Edition 1; page 62-63.
If we always think of "me" and "mine" and are guided by our nature, then remembering God has no meaning. It is not going to be useful and in fact will increase hypocrisy. This results in a more spoiled and polluted society. You should always try to understand this and think about ways to improve and elevate the quality of naam-smaran.
Pujya Shree Mota
Maun mandirno murm ( મૌનમંદિરનો મમૅ )
Edition 1; page 62-63.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
USE OF BHAVA ( ભાવ )
You should not be boxed into any kind of understanding. However,this does not mean that bhava should not be expressed. Bhava is useful if it is expressed as a tool for your development and not for enjoyment.
There is no other bhava more alert and clever than sadbhava ( goodness, સદભાવ ). When sadbhava is developed from the heart with knowledge and devotion, it opens up the third eye of discretion ( વિવેક ). This sense of discretion is at the root of knowledge. This sadbhava with knowledge and a sense of discretion will automatically develop deep understanding and guide us regarding our relationships, behavior and the extent of involvement with family and friends. One does not have to think before developing and taking care of relationships when sadbhava has produced a worry-free and peaceful mind. There is a certain ease, happiness and peace about one's behavior.
Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan pravesh ( જીવન પ્રવેશ )
Edition 2, page 58.
There is no other bhava more alert and clever than sadbhava ( goodness, સદભાવ ). When sadbhava is developed from the heart with knowledge and devotion, it opens up the third eye of discretion ( વિવેક ). This sense of discretion is at the root of knowledge. This sadbhava with knowledge and a sense of discretion will automatically develop deep understanding and guide us regarding our relationships, behavior and the extent of involvement with family and friends. One does not have to think before developing and taking care of relationships when sadbhava has produced a worry-free and peaceful mind. There is a certain ease, happiness and peace about one's behavior.
Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan pravesh ( જીવન પ્રવેશ )
Edition 2, page 58.