Thursday, March 10, 2011


I see many people, coming to me for years, getting bogged down in superfluous and trivial matters. It is hypocritical to remember God for one or two hours in this situation. This kind of attitude will not improve or elevate the quality of naam-smaran ( reciting God's name and remembering Him ). Even people possessed with anger and excessive sexual desires ( કામી ) can improve themselves, but hypocrites cannot. Hypocrisy produces a kind of curtain that is impossible to lift or see through. The process of hypocrisy is so deep and mysterious that it creates an atmosphere in which a person is convinced of his or her truthfulness. People with anger can realize their mistakes, but for hypocrites it is impossible to lift the curtain of falsehood and see the truth.

If we always think of "me" and "mine" and are guided by our nature, then remembering God has no meaning. It is not going to be useful and in fact will increase hypocrisy. This results in a more spoiled and polluted society. You should always try to understand this and think about ways to improve and elevate the quality of naam-smaran.

Pujya Shree Mota

Maun mandirno murm ( મૌનમંદિરનો મમૅ )
Edition 1; page 62-63.