Thursday, February 7, 2013


Your purpose behind frugality is very good. At the same time you have no idea regarding the depth of the root cause of this tendency. This tendency of frugality sometimes has roots in the tendency of possession of wealth and hoarding the money. There are people who give away millions but squabble for small amount of money elsewhere. So our measure of frugality are mixed up and different. We need to go above these standards of frugality.

Yet it is best not to have any tendencies regarding this and handle the situation as it comes without getting upset about it. We should be pliable regarding these situations. We can be frugal if needs to be and spend the money if needed. Mind should not get disturbed in either situation. It is best for us to keep control of our mind and then act accordingly. Then it is alright.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan pagathi
Edition 6; page 5.