Thursday, September 26, 2013


Swajan :  Mota ! Now I have a feeling as if I am in the car and on my way (towards spiritual progress). I feel relaxed because of this feeling. In spite of this I am still bothered by the attacks from natural tendencies and thoughts. Now I have taken a vow to do naam-smaran for certain number of times. Is it ok? I have also decided to have your photo painted.

Pujya Shree Mota :  This feeling you have is very good. Once this feeling is settled in it will not be replaced even if attacked by hostile forces. It may get shaken up temporarily but in the end these attacks will fail.

Whenever you are bothered by these negative forces invite them without fear. Tell them " come on in my friends, you have reminded me of my dear God ". Thank them and offer them at the holy feet of Bhagawan.

Everything that comes to us is a form of energy. When one learns the art of using this energy and is aware of this at all times, enjoys the life at its fullest. This kind of person can never be lazy or idle.

I am pleased that you have decided to do naam-smaran for 35000 to 44000 times. Since you do not have the worry of the job, there is nothing wrong in doing naam-smaran even for longer time.

Naam-smaran plays a big part in making the mind concentrate. It also helps to prevent the undue impressions of karma being ingrained and lessens the force of these impressions when they express themselves. It also has a major role in cajoling the mind to get interested in the love for the God.

There is no need to paint the picture of Mota. It is mere foolishness. I have never kept the photo of my guru. We should make the guru alive in our hearts.

Pujya Shree Mota
Lagne hajo mangalam
Edition 1; pages 240 - 242.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Swajan :   Mota ! How do we know that mind, intelligence, chitta, prana and ego have changed its natural characteristics and are ready for true surrender?

Pujya Shree Mota :   True surrender takes place when the natural qualities of mind, intelligence, chitta, prana and ego change its characteristics.
Mind stops being hesitant and indecisive.
Intelligence changes its ways to operate and gets rid of suspicion, doubts, arguments and reasoning.
This happens when it is ready to get enlightened (પ્રજ્ઞા સ્વરૂપ).
Prana's natural tendencies gets to be less, meaning desires, wishes, covetousness, sexual desires, anger, arrogance and jealousy looses its force and all its energy is directed towards God.
Ego looses its arrogance and experiences the divine consciousness and accepts its workings and superiority.
In Chitta there is no expression of impressions of ordinary life. There is sprouting of impressions that lead towards the divine consciousness.

Pujya Shree Mota
Lagne hajo mangalam
Edition 1; page 240.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Swajan :  I do naam-smaran but there is no real interest and delight in doing it. What are the reasons behind it?

Pujya Shree Mota :  It is not possible to have this interest right away. When it is practiced continuously this interest and delight in doing naam-smaran definitely arises. We can never fall in love without coming in close contact with a person. It is similar to naam-smaran.

We should never surrender to any negative thoughts of life or natural tendencies that spring up while doing naam-smaran. Just let it pass by. We should maintain equanimity. It is of utmost importance to develop this practice in a most practical and effective way.

Always do naam-smaran with happiness and with a free spirit. Make sure that there is no sadness or unhappiness during naam-smaran.

Pujya Shree Mota
Lagne hajo mangalam
Edition 1; page 70 - 71.

My two cents --  I wish readers will pay utmost importance to each sentence. Each sentence means a lot if one wants to start doing naam-smaran.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Question :  When we reprimand our adolescent  children they get very upset. They become argumentative, confrontational and do not listen to us. How should the parents handle the situation?

Pujya Shree Mota :  Adolescence is an important time of growing up. If it if not handled in the right way they may become estranged for good. It is very difficult to bring them back afterwards. We all are responsible for creating this situation with the adolescence. 

We should give direction to this force of youth with deep and sincere love from our hearts. It happens that all adults in the family keep finding faults with children. They continue to reprimand them. This creates a situation where these children feel oppressed and bored. It is not my intention to say that they should never be reprimanded. They need our guidance. But the method and the way we tell them should be suitable to them. This is the time for us to change our methods and ways to deal with them.

This is the age that requires careful handling by everybody involved in their care. Majority of parents today lack the skill of dealing with children. In our society there is no understanding of this change that children undergo to reach adulthood. Their minds and bodies undergo this tremendous change by forces unknown and incomprehensible to them. Entering adolescence is like taking a new birth. There are several changes that cannot be seen unlike the changes seen in the body. Careful parents must know this and be alert for these changes.

First of all be aware of yourself. Our truthfulness and devotion in our lives will naturally affect the minds and the hearts of these children. Do not worry if this does not happen. In case we need to tell something to them, tell it without getting upset and stern with them. Pray to God in your heart that the best qualities in life be granted to them. 

Pujya Shree Mota
Dampatya bhavna
Edition 5;  pages 153 - 154.