Thursday, May 8, 2014


Natural tendencies of the mind has many forms and its play is endless with multiple ramifications. You can say the same regarding the truth. Truth also has multiple facets and forms. If we hold on to the truth for one situation then we can miss other forms of truths in other situations. We should not hold on to the feeling of security so that we do not cling to partial or only one particular aspect of the truth. Only then we can move from one situation to another. Once we feel secure in one situation it creates a kind of inert satisfaction. We will never experience the bravery, sense of adventure, strength,  enthusiasm and intoxicating sense of purpose while leaping forward to some unknown situation. This feeling of security in the mind will try to convince us that present situation is the ideal one creating hindrances to change from this static situation. It will create many mental miseries and clashes. Sadhak should never encourage or entertain the condition of security to avoid this situation. There is a saying that, " It is good for the monk to always be on the move". We need to interpret this in terms of continuous progress. Sadhak should be like that too. Change and associated struggle is necessary for the progress in his life. One will never experience the taste of divine nectar without the struggle. This struggle is necessary not only internally but for external situations too.

Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Sandesh
Edition 3; pages 65 - 66.