Thursday, May 15, 2014

MEMORY (SMRUTI, સ્મૃતિ) -- (1).

Sadhak needs to keep variety of arsenal in his quest to progress in the life. Memory is one of the important tools. It is beneficial only if the memory is used in a right way.

Memory helps in the process of accumulating the impressions (sanskars,સંસ્કાર) on the mind, although not directly. The mind and its receptivity actually accumulates the impressions. Memory does the work of waking up the old impressions. It gives the form of thought or imagination to this dormant impressions. Because of this the old impressions solidifies. Memory helps the process in this fashion.

More over the memory also helps the process of receptivity of the impressions when received initially. As soon as the impression is received, memory connects it to the other related impressions and thus binds them with the chain of consciousness. As a consequence, the initial impression gets to be stronger. Certain impressions penetrate the layers of subconscious mind, while the impressions connected with the chain of consciousness being stronger, springs up on the surface in the form of thoughts or emotions on its own at the opportune times. Many amongst us have the experience of certain impressions coming to surface after many years for no apparent reason. This happens as a result of its connection to other impressions by the chain of memory. It is apparent that memory has a role in this process. In  this fashion memory helps in both the processes of solidifying and reawakening the impressions.  
                                                                           To be continued in next blog
Pujya Shree Mota
Jivan Sandesh
Edition 3; Excerpts from pages 299 - 300.